Issue - meetings

Restructure of the Directorate of City and Environmental Services

Meeting: 12/02/2013 - Executive (Item 91)

91 Review of City and Environmental Services pdf icon PDF 123 KB

The report sets out proposals for amending the City and Environmental Services Directorate to reduce costs; introduce a more coherent and efficient management structure; and to streamline and re-align the Directorate structure to focus on delivery. 


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:       That Cabinet agree to:

i)             Approval for CONCEPT 2 established through Phase 1 of the review of the City and Environmental Services Directorate as a transitional arrangement to mitigate risk to senior management capacity and delivery, in the short to medium term, based on current known commitments.

ii)         Delegate to the Director of City and Environmental Services the completion of the review process through the detailed Phase 2 stage and to implement the outcomes of the review; in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Spokespersons; and supported by interim expert external resource to drive delivery and embed proposed outcomes.

iii)        Note that this will facilitate the future opportunity to further transform the transitional CONCEPT 2 structure into a structure based, in principle, around CONCEPT 1;  but not bound by all the detail as presented at Annex A; subject to future funding position and how wider Council strategic initiatives are taken forward.


REASON:           i)        This will enable timely implementation of the Phase 1 review outcomes to deliver the revenue savings in line with commitments and expectation for the Directorate by May 2013, along with facilitating Phase 2 of the review.


ii)            This will enable the full revenue savings to be realised in the most expedient manner for financial years 2013/14 and 2014/15 in line with commitments and expectation.




Members considered a report that set out proposals for amending the City and Environmental Services Directorate to reduce costs; introduce a more coherent and efficient management structure; and to streamline and re-align the directorate structure to focus on delivery.  Details were given of the two stage process.


Options had been developed through the consultation process taking into account the feedback given and the range of structure proposals presented for consideration.  Details of the existing structure and each concept option were presented at Annex A of the report and summarised below:


CONCEPT 1 – 2 Assistant Directors and 4 Heads of Service Model (Refer to Annex A)


CONCEPT 2 – 2 Assistant Directors and 5 Heads of Service Model (Refer to Annex A)


The Cabinet Member for City and Environmental Services stated that the proposals were very radical and would result in substantial savings whilst still maintaining continuity in the delivery of services.  Nevertheless it was important to recognise that issues such as success in income generation would be important factors.


RESOLVED:       That Cabinet agree to:


i)             Approval for CONCEPT 2 established through Phase 1 of the review of the City and Environmental Services Directorate as a transitional arrangement to mitigate risk to senior management capacity and delivery, in the short to medium term, based on current known commitments.


ii)            Delegate to the Director of City and Environmental Services the completion of the review process through the detailed Phase 2 stage and to implement the outcomes of the review; in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Spokespersons; and supported by interim expert external resource to drive delivery and embed proposed outcomes. 1.


iii)          Note that this will facilitate the future opportunity to further transform the transitional CONCEPT 2 structure into a structure based, in principle, around CONCEPT 1;  but not bound by all the detail as presented at Annex A; subject to future funding position and how wider Council strategic initiatives are taken forward.


REASON:         i)          This will enable timely implementation of

the Phase 1 review outcomes to deliver the revenue savings in line with commitments and expectation for the Directorate by May 2013, along with facilitating Phase 2 of the review.


ii)       This will enable the full revenue savings to be realised in the most expedient manner for financial years 2013/14 and 2014/15 in line with commitments and expectation.


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