Issue - meetings

Get York Building

Meeting: 12/02/2013 - Executive (Item 92)

92 Get York Building - Economic Growth, A Case for Change pdf icon PDF 119 KB

This report outlines the current state of the building industry within York and the direct role stimulating the house building industry will have on achieving the council’s priority to create jobs and grow the economy. 


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RESOLVED:       That Cabinet agree to:


i)       Option1 as set out in Paragraph 20 of the report to:

·     Update the Affordable Housing Targets (as set out in Table 1) and approve as a material consideration for Development Management purposes;

·     Accept, on sites of less than 15 homes in rural areas, an off site financial contribution in lieu of on site affordable housing, (as set out in Annex 1) for a period of 18 months and approve as a material consideration for Development Management purposes;

·     Invest £1m in addressing overcrowding in existing council homes from the HRA;

·     Agree a first phase of building new council homes with funding from the HRA as set out in the HRA Business Plan.

·     Work up options for a mortgage advice scheme;

·     Review general S106 requirements and development of new approaches to facilitate greater flexibility in the payment of contributions

·     Develop opportunities for Institutional investment in to new Private Rented Sector homes within the city. 


REASON:            To ensure that the council plays a full and active leadership role in delivering quality sustainable new homes, creating jobs and growing the economy of the city.





Members considered a report that outlined the current state of the building industry within York and the direct role that stimulating the house building industry would have on achieving the council’s priority to create jobs and grow the economy.   The report also discussed real and perceived barriers to building and considered options for the Council to play a leadership role in developing the climate where stalled development could be brought forward whilst protecting the historic and green nature of the city. 


Members expressed concern at the problems associated with the high costs of housing in the city.  They stated that the Get  York Building programme would help drive the local economy, provide a boost to employment, reduce benefits dependency and create a knock on impact in the wider prosperity of the city as well as providing much needed sustainable homes to meet the housing needs of the city.


Details were given of the consultation that had taken place and the issues that had been raised, including the bureaucracy regarding off site financial contributions.  The Cabinet Member for City and Environmental Services stated that the paper had recently been considered by the Local Plan Working Group and he reported on the views of the group.


Members welcomed the proposed establishment of a mortgage advice scheme which would be of particular benefit to smaller building companies.


Consideration was given to the following options:


Option 1 – To approve the proposed interventions to:

·        Update the Affordable Housing Targets (as set out in Table 1) and approve as a material consideration for Development Management purposes;

·        Accept, on sites of less than 15 homes in rural areas, an off site financial contribution in lieu of on site affordable housing, (as set out in Annex 1) for a period of 18 months and approve as a material consideration for Development Management purposes;

·        Invest £1m in addressing overcrowding in existing council homes;

·        Agree a first phase of building new council homes;

·        Work up options for a mortgage advice scheme;

·        Review general S106 requirements and development of new approaches to facilitate greater flexibility in the payment of contributions

·        Develop opportunities for Institutional investment in to new Private Rented Sector homes within the city. 


Option 2 – To ask officers to amend the proposed interventions.


RESOLVED:       That Cabinet agree to:


Option1 as set out in Paragraph 20 of the report to:

·        Update the Affordable Housing Targets (as set out in Table 1) and approve as a material consideration for Development Management purposes;

·        Accept, on sites of less than 15 homes in rural areas, an off site financial contribution in lieu of on site affordable housing, (as set out in Annex 1) for a period of 18 months and approve as a material consideration for Development Management purposes;

·        Invest £1m in addressing overcrowding in existing council homes from the HRA;

·        Agree a first phase of building new council homes with funding from the HRA as set out in the HRA Business Plan.

·        Work up options for a mortgage advice scheme;  ...  view the full minutes text for item 92


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