Issue - meetings

York800 and 2012: The Legacy

Meeting: 27/02/2013 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Communities (Item 51)

51 York800: Review and Legacy Plans pdf icon PDF 113 KB

This report reviews the programme of activities that were undertaken in York as part of our York800 celebrations: including the two royal visits and the Olympic torch and Paralympic lantern relays, and sets out the aspirations and plans for continuing the cultural and community legacy in 2013 and beyond.



RESOLVED:       That the report be noted and the Cabinet Member’s comments on the effectiveness of the York 800 programme and her support for the principles outlined in taking the legacy forward be recognised.


REASON:            To support the development of a world class cultural offer and build stronger, more participative, communities.


The Cabinet Member received a report which reviewed the programme of activities that were undertaken in York as part of the York800 celebrations: including the two royal visits, the Olympic torch and Paralympic lantern relays. It also set out the aspirations and plans for continuing the cultural and community legacy in 2013 and beyond.


The Head of Culture, Tourism and City Centre advised the Cabinet Member that York 800 had exceeded their expectations and had been a success on all themes. She drew the Cabinet Member’s attention to paragraph 30 of the report which detailed the legacy of York 800 including the involvement of strategic partners across the city from an early stage, the strong internal CYC team with membership from across the Council, the decision to be open and flexible regarding the use of the logo and branding of York 800, engagement with local media and recognition that as we move forward that outcomes cannot be achieved with CYC resources alone, but by working with partners a new culture of volunteering in the city has been developed.


The Cabinet Member expressed her thank to officers,  York@Large, York residents and volunteers for their part in making York 800 a success. She noted that many events would be running again this year due to their success and Buskival would become an annual event.


RESOLVED:       That the report be noted and the Cabinet Member’s comments on the effectiveness of the York 800 programme and her support for the principles outlined in taking the legacy forward be recognised.


REASON:           To support the development of a world class cultural offer and build stronger more participative communities




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