Issue - meetings

Resource Allocation and Personalised Budgets

Meeting: 12/12/2012 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health (Item 14)

14 Review of the Fairer Contributions Policy for Non- Residential Care Services: Moving to 'Personal Accounts' to Deliver Choice and Control pdf icon PDF 97 KB

The Cabinet Member is asked to agree changes to the current contributions policy to support the development of a more consistent, transparent and fair approach to the way personal budgets are provided, and reduce some disincentives for people to take their personal budget as a direct payment. 



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RESOLVED:             That option 1, to agree the proposed new contributions policy as in Annex A be approved.  The specific changes to the customer contributions policy would be as follows:

·        contributions to home care and day care services will be based on the actual cost of the support provided rather than a standard cost.

·        contributions will still be payable during temporary reduction or stoppage of support (eg hospital/holiday) in line with any contract agreements with providers.

·        where someone needs two carers to support them at the same time the personal budget and the costs of the support package will reflect the two carers.

·        where the personal budget is used to provide a short break, including up to eight weeks in a year within a residential setting, the customer contributions will be calculated on the basis of a non residential service.


Reason:                      To deliver a more consistent, transparent and equitable customer contributions policy and enable personal accounts to work in the same way for people who take a direct payment and those for whom the council commissions support.


The Cabinet Member considered a report which asked her to agree changes to the current contributions policy to support the development of a more consistent, transparent and fair approach to the way personal budgets are provided, and reduce some disincentives for people to take their personal budget as a direct payment.


The Cabinet Member was asked to consider the following three options:


Option 1:    To agree the proposed new contributions policy as in Annex A.  The specific changes to the customer contributions policy are:

·        contributions to home care and day care services will be based on the actual cost of the support provided rather than a standard cost

·        contributions will still be payable during temporary reduction or stoppage of support (eg hospital/holiday) in line with any contract agreements with providers

·        where someone needs two carers to support them at the same time the personal budget and the costs of the support package  will reflect the two carers

·        where the personal budget is used to provide a short break, including up to eight weeks (56 nights) in a year within in a residential setting, the customer contributions will be calculated on the basis of a non residential service


Option 2:    To retain the contributions policy as it is.

Option 3:    To agree selected changes.

The Assistant Director (Adult Assessment and Safeguarding) advised that the review was being undertaken within the context of the personalisation agenda. She explained that the consultation responses showed broad support for the principles proposed. She acknowledged there was a small concern raised from those directly affected but gave assurances that nobody would be asked to pay more than they could afford.


The Cabinet Member acknowledged the need to look at how funding is allocated and how people contribute proportionately to ensure that as many people as possible can receive the services they require. She recommended that the contributions policy is reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that  people are still contributing fairly and receiving the assistance they require. Officers assured her that everyone receiving a service is reviewed on an annual basis, including their financial assessment and that the Policy will be reviewed on an annual basis


RESOLVED:       That option 1, to agree the proposed new contributions policy as in Annex A be approved.  The specific changes to the customer contributions policy would be as follows:

·        contributions to home care and day care services will be based on the actual cost of the support provided rather than a standard cost.

·        contributions will still be payable during temporary reduction or stoppage of support (eg hospital/holiday) in line with any contract agreements with providers.

·        where someone needs two carers to support them at the same time the personal budget and the costs of the support package will reflect the two carers.

·        where the personal budget is used to provide a short break, including up to eight weeks in a year within a residential setting, the customer contributions will be calculated on the basis of a non  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14


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