Issue - meetings

Fairness and Inclusion Strategy 2009-12: Single Corporate Equality Scheme(SCES) Annual Progress Report Year 1

Meeting: 13/07/2010 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Leisure Culture and Social Inclusion (Item 4)

4 Fairness and Inclusion Strategy 2009 - 12 : Single Corporate Equality Scheme (SCES) Annual Progress Report Year 1 pdf icon PDF 75 KB

This report updates the Executive Member on progress with the Single Corporate Equality Scheme ( SCES) for the period July 2009 to June 2010.

The Executive Member is requested to note and comment on the information provided in the report.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member notes the progress made with the Single Corporate Equality Scheme for the period July 2009 to June 2010.


REASON:                  To keep the Executive Member informed of progress on the scheme.


The Executive Member considered a report, which updated him on progress with the Single Corporate Equality Scheme (SCES) for the period July 2009 to June 2010.


Officers explained that the SCES was the plan of action that the council had put in place to deliver the objectives of the Fairness and Inclusion Strategy, a summary of progress made in delivering the objectives was set out in Appendix 1 of the report. It was reported that the first year of the scheme had focussed on:

  • Improving customer and staff insight and engagement
  • Assessing the impact of major decisions and projects on customers and staff from the equality strands
  • Putting in place an inclusive workforce plan
  • Briefing and training our staff and councillors about equality and human rights
  • Completing single equality schemes (plans of action with targeted outcomes to benefit equality strands)
  • Putting in place a community cohesion plan for the city (One City Plan)


Preparatory work had also been undertaken in areas on which completion was due to take place during 2010 -11 including:

  • Mainstreaming procurement best practice
  • Working with our LSP partners to finalise and start to implement the community cohesion plan
  • Start to share and use equality data.


The Executive Member questioned Officers on various details of the report including:

  • Council Website users who choose the translation option and
  • Use of Equality Impact Assessments (EIA’s) in relation to De Grey House.


Officers thanked the Executive Member for his support of the Equality Scheme.


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member notes the progress made with the Single Corporate Equality Scheme for the period July 2009 to June 2010.


REASON:                  To keep the Executive Member informed of progress on the scheme.


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