Issue - meetings

CYC Home Care - Keyless Proposal

Meeting: 23/11/2010 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Services (Item 8)

8 Update on Implementation of the Keyless Service pdf icon PDF 75 KB

This report provides an update on the implementation of the move to become a non-keyholding adult social care provider service following approval by the Executive Member on 27 April 2010

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:(i)         That the contents of the report and the response to the

petition received at the Council meeting on 8 October 2010 be noted.


(ii)That the views of Age Concern be sought in respect of their experience of the implementation of a keyless service, including any issues that they may be aware of nationally in respect of keysafes.


REASON:            In order to complete the implementation of a keyless service.


The Executive Member considered a report that provided an update on the implementation of the move to become a non-keyholding adult social care provider service following approval by the Executive Member on 27 April 2010.


It was noted that a petition had been presented at Council on 8 October 2010 by Councillor Boyce on behalf of the residents of Heworth, objecting to the discontinuation of the key holding service by Warden Call and calling on the Council to continue this service.  The action that had been taken following the petition was outlined in the report.


The Executive Member noted that good progress had been made to date on the implementation of non-key holding services, which would bring the authority in line with the vast majority of other authorities and deliver efficiencies as well as speeding up access to customers’ properties in an emergency. 


At the request of the Executive Member, officers responded to the concerns raised by the speaker under the public participation item on the agenda.  They stated that other authorities had used keysafes for a long period of time and they were not aware of problems that had arisen in terms of insurance, design or security.  They gave details of the consultation that had taken place, including individual contact with customers, and expressed regret if customers felt that they had not been fully consulted.   They were confident that the new arrangements were in the best interests of customers and their families.


Officers explained that, in addition to the work that the two organisations undertaking the installation of keysafes were carrying out, consideration was being given to using the council’s own repairs team in order to increase capacity.  Because of the demand for installation, it was also proposed to extend the original deadline set for completion.  The Executive Member expressed his support for this proposal in order to ensure that the implementation was not rushed. 


Officers stated that the Executive Member would continue to be kept informed of progress in the implementation of the keyless service.


RESOLVED:(i)         That the contents of the report and the response to the

petition received at the Council meeting on 8 October 2010 be noted.


(ii)        That the views of Age Concern be sought in respect of their experience of the implementation of a keyless service, including any issues that they may be aware of nationally in respect of keysafes1.


REASON:      In order to complete the implementation of a keyless service.

Meeting: 27/04/2010 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Services (Item 25)

25 CYC Home Care - Keyless Proposal pdf icon PDF 93 KB

This report seeks the Executive Members approval to complete the implementation of a policy to discontinue key holding of customers’ keys in our in-house Home Care Services


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member approved the extension of the current practice of non-key holding in City of York Council Home Care to all its customers and operates a range of alternative property access arrangements.


REASON:                  The move to a completely key-less service is essential to the delivery of the savings and benefits arising from the More for York project on the Electronic Monitoring System for Home Care. It is essential to the ability of the in-house service to reduce its unit costs and deliver more time to work face to face with its customers.


The Executive Member considered a report which sought approval for the implementation of a policy to discontinue the holding of customers keys in the Council’s in house Home Care Services.


Officers outlined the paper which highlighted the following issues:


  • The current position and the issues surrounding key-holding.
  • The desired position and the proposal to extend current policy for new customers to existing customers to become non key-holding.
  • The implications for existing customers – customers would have 4 options including a coded key safe and access facilitated by a nominated individual.
  • The benefits to CYC Home Care Services – i.e. more efficient service.


The Executive Member queried how existing customers would be informed of the changes. Officers advised this would be done on a personalised basis by talking to each customer and assisting them to make new arrangements. With this assurance, the Executive Member agreed the recommendation.


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member approved the extension of the current practice of non-key holding in City of York Council Home Care to all its customers and operates a range of alternative property access arrangements.


REASON:                  The move to a completely key-less service is essential to the delivery of the savings and benefits arising from the More for York project on the Electronic Monitoring System for Home Care. It is essential to the ability of the in-house service to reduce its unit costs and deliver more time to work face to face with its customers.


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