Decision details

Partnership Speed Review Update. Including Proposed engineering speed reduction schemes. Related Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) Review.

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired, Executive Member for Transport and Planning

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The report will update on the partnership speed review process, giving information on where complaints of speeding have been received, the investigation results and conclusions. It will also include a section, which requires approval of proposed speed reduction scheme at locations previously identified from the data led review. It will also update on the status of the Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) across the city and provide an updated Strategy in relation to VAS's.

Purpose of Report: To update Executive Member of progress on complaints about speeding received from members of the public which are managed via a Partnership approach which includes North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service.

The Executive Member is asked to note the contents and progress, and approve the proposed speed reduction schemes and VAS policy.


Resolved:           That the executive Member agreed to the following:


                             Part 1 – Speed Review Process Update


That the Executive Member  approved Option 1, and agreed with the findings and recommendations of the report as a cost effective, and evidence led solution to provide the appropriate level of investigation to community speed concerns.

Reason:          So that all locations identified, from past reports as well as this current report, are considered for appropriate speed reduction measures on clear and equal guidelines.



                             Part 2 – Review of Speed Management Engineering Programme.


i) Approve the proposed programme of schemes (Annex A-P sites) and authorise officers to undertake further consultation and advertisement of speed limit orders as necessary, and to implement the measures if no objections are received. Any measures which receive objections should be reported back to the Executive Member for a decision. With the following amendments:

·        Removal of the Common Lane, Dunnington Scheme from the programme to allow for further investigation of speeds between it’s junction with the A1079 and the village entrance.

·        To include in the Consultation for Wetherby Road the 60mph limit on Wetherby Road (Acomb) to the A1237 be reduced to 40mph in a similar way to neighbouring junctions

·        York Road, Strensall to remain in the programme with a view to bringing back the matter to an Executive Member Decision Session if the consultation proves the scheme to be controversial amongst residents.

ii) Authorise officers to carry out additional speed surveys (Annex Q and R sites) and to carry forward these sites for further assessment in the 2016/17 programme.


iii) Approve the inclusion of further feasibility work for the three sites with speed limit issues (Annex S) in the ongoing programme of speed management schemes.


Reason:              To deliver measures to address speed complaints raised by local residents.


                             Part 3 – Vehicle Activated Sign Review


                             Approved Option 2 and:


i. To retain the existing criteria for speed limit VAS, which is:


a) That Local Transport Plan (LTP) funding will only be used where the 85%ile speed equals or exceeds the signed limit by 10%+2mph (i.e. 35mph in a 30mph limit, and 46mph in a 40mph limit). This would be consistent with the speed enforcement thresholds employed by the police (ACPO guidelines).


b) Where this funding criteria is not quite met, a Ward Committee or Parish Council may still wish to fund the installation of a VAS. In this situation, a threshold of 85%ile speeds being 10% above the speed limit should be adopted (i.e.33mph in a 30mph limit and 44mph in a 40mph limit).


Reason:              To ensure a consistent approach and targeted use of LTP resources. In the case of Ward Committee and Parish Council funding this allows the use of VAS where there are real concerns about the speed of traffic but where the stricter criteria for LTP funding is not met.


ii. To establish criteria for the provision of hazard warning VAS based on at least one recorded injury accident in the previous three years, with reports of inappropriate speed (which may be within the posted speed limit) .


Reason:              To make sure hazard warning VAS are used appropriately.


iii. The existing system of monitoring should be replaced by collection and analysis of speed data before installation and three months after.


Reason:              To focus future monitoring and review, where it is most needed.


iv. VAS to be reviewed as and when they develop faults applying the criteria in i. and ii. above. If the site meets the criteria, it is recommended that the VAS is repaired or replaced. If they do not, the sign and post should be removed and the site disbanded.


Reason:              To address the issue of maintenance, longer term monitoring, and review the site objectively when the sign is not present.


v. To consider the need for future allocations for t   the review and aftercare of LTP funded signs. Ward committee or Parish Councils are expected to fund any maintenance (if they so wish) if they originally purchased the signs.  


Reason:              To address the current maintenance funding shortfall and ensure the VAS stock is maintained at sites where the signs are warranted.




Report author: Trish Hirst

Publication date: 13/11/2015

Date of decision: 12/11/2015

Decided at meeting: 12/11/2015 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Effective from: 17/11/2015

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