Register of interests

Councillor Jo Coles

Register of Interests

Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

1. Employment, Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation
Name of organisation and Position Spouse/Civil Partner or persons of whom you are living with
Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire & Crime - York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority My husband is a Trustee of Bombsquad Art Collective based in the City of York
- My husband is Director / sole trader of
2. Sponsorship
Name of body and Position Spouse/Civil Partner or anyone with whom you are living with
None -
3. Securities
Name of body and Position Spouse/Civil Partner or person with whom you live with
None -
4. Contracts
Name of body and Position Spouse/Civil Partner or person with whom you are living with
None -
5. Land, Licences and Corporate Tenancies
Address/description of land and nature of interest in land Spouse/Civil Partner or person with whom you are living with
This address is considered a Sensitive Interest and has therefore been withheld from the ROI -

Other Interests

6. Membership of Other Bodies
Name of Body and Position Other relevant disclosable interests relating to your family
Member of the Labour Party -
Member of the GMB Trade Union -
7. Disclosure of Gifts and Hospitality which exceed £25
Date of receipt of Gift/Hospitality and Name of Donor Reason and Nature of Gift/Hospitality
Pamper hamper gifted by Westfield resident Denise Elliott on 3 May 2023 £25
2 x tickets from the Theatre Royal to the press preview of Sovereign at Kings Manor -
4 x tickets to York International Shakespeare Festival during the course of the festival -
Ticket to the state opening of Parliament by HM King Charles provided by Luke Charters MP -
2 x tickets from the Theatre Royal to Around the World in 80days-ish -


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