Issue history

City Centre Footstreets Review

  • 15/11/2011 - Published in plan, 15 November 2011 to 14 March 2012
  • 17/11/2011 - Action: Deadline for completion of report by for City Centre Footstreets Review for City Centre Footstreets Review Alistair Briggs ; status: overdue
  • 01/12/2011 - Published decision: City Centre Footstreets Review
  • 01/12/2011 - Agenda item, Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired City Centre Footstreets Review 01/12/2011
  • 03/01/2012 - Agenda item scheduled, Corporate Services, Climate Change and Scrutiny Management Committee (Calling In)
  • 03/01/2012 - Action: Pre or Post Decision Call-In - if this item is called in it will be considered at the meeting of Corporate Services, Climate Change and Scrutiny Management Committee (Calling In) ; status: overdue
  • 03/01/2012 - Action: 3. Investigate civil enforcement Alistair Briggs ; status: overdue
  • 03/01/2012 - Action: 8. Undertake further investigation into expanding the pedestrian zone and traffic management arrangements. Alistair Briggs ; status: overdue
  • 03/01/2012 - Action: 1&4. Consult on experimental TRO, including options for cycling etc. Alistair Briggs ; status: overdue
  • 03/01/2012 - Action: 9. Implement zero tolerance zone. Alistair Briggs ; status: overdue
  • 03/01/2012 - Action: 5/6. Introduce permanent TRO's and arrange for installation of signs. Alistair Briggs ; status: overdue
  • 03/01/2012 - Action: 7. Revoke the TRO relating to the one way system and evening pay and display parking. Alistair Briggs ; status: overdue
  • 03/01/2012 - Action: 2. Investigate use of foot streets by badge, permit holders and future civil enforcement for moving TRO's. Alistair Briggs ; status: overdue
  • 03/01/2012 - Action: 10. Authority delegated to increase disabled parking spaces and address evening parking in the Newgate market area. Alistair Briggs ; status: overdue
  • 24/01/2012 - Action: Issue relevant to the remit of the following Overview& Scrutiny Committee: Economic Development and Transport Policy and Scrutiny Committee ; status: overdue


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