ePetition details

Double yellow Kestrel Wood Way and Brookfield Park Drive

We the undersigned petition the council to double yellow line the road down Kestrel Wood Way and Brockfield Park Drive.

Cars visiting the shops are parking on the grass verges unnecessarily killing the grass causing huge muddy furrows and restricting residents’ access to their property. The shops have car parking available at the front and rear which isn't used at the moment and Orchard Park has a large car park that again is not being used 2 minutes’ walk from the shops. We paid for a dropped kerb to make two parking spaces on our property but quite often cannot access or leave because of badly parked cars, cars park on speed humps that were installed also. Why are traffic wardens not coming into our area?

This ePetition ran from 29/06/2024 to 01/11/2024 and has now finished.

2 people signed this ePetition.


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