Issue - decisions

This decision is to limit the value of resettlement support paid through York financial Assistance Scheme (YFAS) to £500 per family (This includes single people), to cap the monthly spend through YFAS to £20,000 per month during the rest of the 2024/

08/07/2024 - This decision is to limit the value of resettlement support paid through York financial Assistance Scheme (YFAS) to £500 per family (This includes single people), to cap the monthly spend through YFAS to £20,000 per month during the rest of the 2024/

The Director of Housing and Communities approves the YFAS changes as set out in this decision notice and in the supporting report.

This is an officer decision made in consultation with the relevant Executive Members and will be noted at the next available Executive Member Decision Session.


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