Issue - decisions
2006/07 Chief Executives Finance and Performance Outturn
07/06/2007 - Chief Executives Performance and Year End Report 2006/07
Advice of the Advisory Panel
That the Executive Leader be advised to:
(i) note the performance and financial outturn position for 06/07
(ii) approve the carrying forward bids totalling £52k as detailed in paragraph 69 of the report,subject to the agreement of the Executive;
(iii) recommend that the Executive consider using resources released from the underspend to fund the cost pressures re: the replacement Chief Executive (£60k) and additional CPA inspection costs (£47k).
Decision of the Executive Leader
RESOLVED: That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.
REASON: (i) To prevent further slippage or non completion on the projects and actions identified;
(ii) To allow for unbudgeted pressures to be funded.