Issue - decisions

The future management arrangements for public open space at Mayfield Grove, York

09/03/2012 - The Future Management Arrangements for Public Open Space at Mayfield Grove, York.



That Option 2 be approved and the process set out in the report, with the following amendments, be agreed:


(i)      That the Habitat Plan and Site Layout plan be improved for the final copy of the Management Framework.


(ii)      The Ecological Assessment should be made more specific to York species, particularly in relation to Bats etc but without being over-prescriptive.


(iii)     Section 1.4 be amended to recognise that there is currently not general disabled access to the site and improvements could be made.


(iv)     The value of the land as a community resource should be upfront in the Management Framework.


(v)     The Community involvement sections 3.3 and 3.4 should be strengthened and potentially based around a reinvigorated ‘friends of’ model.


(vi)     That the final wording be delegated to the Director of City Strategy in conjunction with the Cabinet Member.


(vii)    That the Council would seek to ensure that the site was managed according to the draft management framework for the interim period until a new managing organisation was established.




In order to confirm the process to be followed to secure the effective long-term management arrangements for land at Mayfield Grove York as per Section 106 agreement dated 2nd June 1997.




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