Issue - decisions

Update on the Barbican site

03/03/2009 - The Barbican Auditorium

RESOLVED: (i)         That the contents of the report be noted, that the further work to be undertaken Officers be approved and that a further report be requested for April 2009, this report to provide feedback from both commissioned pieces of work and, as a result, clearer recommendations for the Executive on interim and long term options for the Auditorium site.


                        (ii)        That Option B be endorsed as the preferred model for any interim use.


REASON:      To enable future plans for the Barbican Auditorium to be developed and progressed.


                        (iii)       That Officers be requested to ensure that the exterior of the Barbican is maintained in line with ‘York Pride’ standards and that a professional programme of passive and proactive communications with residents, about the building, its future and alternative leisure opportunities available in the City, is implemented immediately.


REASON:      In order to improve the external appearance of the building pending future developments and to ensure that residents are kept informed.


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