Agenda item

Reinvigorate York: Public Space Improvement Project for Kings Square

This report summarises improvement proposals for Kings Square. Cabinet are asked to approve the preferred design option and proposed allocated project budget out of the already agreed funds of the overall Reinvigorate York programme.



RESOLVED:                That Cabinet agree to:

i)          The preferred design as set out at Option 1, paragraph 10 of the report, together with a proposed allocated project budget of £490,000 out of the already agreed funds of the overall Reinvigorate York programme.

ii)     The delegation of agreement of the final design details to the relevant Cabinet Member in consultation with the appropriate Director.


REASON:           This is the preferred final design following  a thorough analysis of public consultation and discussions with specialist officers and provides an improvement project with an adequate budget and avoids delay and potential risk of not completing the Reinvigorate York programme.




Consideration was given to a report which summarised the proposed improvements planned for Kings Square. The design options had been developed through an internal CYC working group in partnership with local business stakeholders.

Details of the public consultation undertaken together with a summary of the results were set out at paragraphs 6 to 9 and Annexes 1 to 4 of the report. An analysis of the following design options were also reported at paragraph 13:

Option 1: This was the preferred final design (Annex 5) with the  key points being:

·                   (A) Repaving: Repave the entire area with new materials and create a raised table at the main road junction.

·                   (B) Trees: We propose not to replace the two trees on the roadside.

·                   (C) Raised Area: We propose to retain and refurbish the Raised Area.

·                   (D) Cafe seating: We propose that the council should apply for planning permission for cafe seating in Kings Square[1]

·                   (E) Disabled parking: We propose to continue with the consultation design for disabled parking.

·                   (F) Paper Mulberry tree: is removed


Option 2: Each of the recommendations of the key points of the preferred final design could have an opposite design approach. The alternative design could therefore be a combination of either Option 1 or Option 2 for each point. These opposites were:

·                   (A) Repaving: Do not repave the entire area or create a raised table at the main road junction

·                   (B) Trees: Replace the two roadside trees with two further out to the road

·                   (C) Raised Area: Remove the Raised Area.

·                   (D) Cafe seating: Do not have any cafe seating

·                   (E) Disabled parking: Apply for a traffic order to restrict disabled parking in Kings Square

·                   (F) Paper Mulberry tree: is retained


Option 3: Do not implement the improvement project or just implement it in part.

It was confirmed that the Kings Square project, one of six city centre priority improvement projects,  would be funded from the overall Reinvigorate York programme.

The Cabinet Member confirmed that it had been 40 years since there had been any major investment in Kings Square. He referred to the difficulties encountered between the competing needs of users in order to gain improvement in the appearance and function of the area. Thanks were expressed to all who had replied to the public consultation and the comments of earlier speakers were acknowledged in relation to an application for pavement cafes.

RESOLVED:                That Cabinet agree to:

i)          The preferred design as set out at Option 1, paragraph 10 of the report, together with a proposed allocated project budget of £490,000 out of the already agreed funds of the overall Reinvigorate York programme.

ii)     The delegation of agreement of the final design details to the relevant Cabinet Member in consultation with the appropriate Director. 1.


REASON:           This is the preferred final design following  a thorough analysis of public consultation and discussions with specialist officers and provides an improvement project with an adequate budget and avoids delay and potential risk of not completing the Reinvigorate York programme.



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