Agenda item

Investment in Containment and Presentation - Recycling Boxes.

This report asks the Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services to consider the options outlined in the report and approve the recommendation made by Officers.


RESOLVED:             (i) That the Executive Member approves Option 2, the move to providing 3 boxes with lids and/or net covers to residents where practical.


                                    (ii) That the Executive Member notes that consultation will still be carried out in terraced areas.


                                    (iii) That the comments from Mr. Lankester be noted, along with the work Officers are undertaking with the Universities and Landlords to encourage students to be aware of the waste disposal guidance.


                                    (iv) That Officers liaise with Mr. Lankester to identify problem properties.


REASON:                  In order that York can continue to provide first class recycling facilities for its residents and ensure that the collection service operates as efficiently and effectively as is possible.


The Executive member considered a report which outlines the options for the provision of recycling boxes.


Officers advised that since the recycling service was introduced, more materials have become available for residents to recycle, and as a result there has been an increase in the number of recycling containers used by residents to store and present their recycling. The current method for storage and presentation presents problems for residents and crews and following a comprehensive trial of recycling methods in the Groves area, it was identified that the optimum method for collection of recycling would be the use of 3 boxes.


Councillor King, who had registered to speak, commented that 1 system can not work for all areas and asked how terraced properties are supposed to store and present 3 boxes, especially terraced properties without forecourts. He felt that further consultation should be carried out in the terraced areas where recycling is yet to be introduced.


Officers confirmed that the 3 box system would apply to areas which already have  recycling collections and that consultation would still take place in terraced areas yet to be included to identify the best system for each area.


Officers also responded to a written statement and photographs which had been submitted by Mr. Lankester, a resident in the Groves. He had raised  concerns regarding the visual impact of the recycling boxes and wheeled bins which are left untidily in the front forecourts of properties. Officers advised that the properties which are causing concern are mainly student properties. Officers are aware of the problem and are working with both of the Universities and with student landlords in an attempt to engage with students to encourage them to take recycling boxes and wheeled bins in. Officers advised that they would be happy to liaise with Mr. Lankester to identify the problem properties. The Executive Member queried whether enforcement action can be taken against such properties. Officers advised that the problem would need to be very severe to go down that route, and at present it is not severe enough.


The Executive Member accepted and approved the move towards a 3 box system but noted that consultation would still be required in terraced areas. The Executive Member noted Mr. Lankester’s comments and requested that Officers liaise with him to resolve any further issues that he may have.  


RESOLVED:             (i) That the Executive Member approves Option 2, the move to providing 3 boxes with lids and/or net covers to residents where practical.


                                    (ii) That the Executive Member notes that consultation will still be carried out in terraced areas.


                                    (iii) That the comments from Mr. Lankester be noted, along with the work Officers are undertaking with the Universities and Landlords to encourage students to be aware of the waste disposal guidance.


                                    (iv) That Officers liaise with Mr. Lankester to identify problem properties.1


REASON:                  In order that York can continue to provide first class recycling facilities for its residents and ensure that the collection service operates as efficiently and effectively as is possible.

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