Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: The Gateway Centre, Front Street, YO24 3BZ

Contact: Michal Czekajlo  Community Officer

No. Item


Front Street - next steps


Presentation Slides PDF pdf icon PDF 3 MB




Front Street 10th July


Cllr Coles read apologies & thanked Officers.

Kathryn Daly explained Mayoral election pre-election period (PERP) + GE (PERP) added unforeseen delay to the process.

Outlined meeting format for today.

Response to the survey included - 6 stakeholder meetings, over 900 responses. 5337 comments analysed.

Designs informed by comments & feedback.

Executive summary - 30-page document published, with results of the online survey - thanks everyone for your time and having your say.

Regen team considered the levels of support but also comments on price/priority.

Have used comments & "what would you like to see" + 6 top priorities identified through survey.

Presentation of survey findings

Of survey, 15% Blue Badge holders!

140 participants provided postcodes (optional)

From that 140,  89% were from Acomb ward, Westfield ward and Holgate Ward.

Front Street having a pop-up concept/attraction was well supported, but not solely temporary attractions/features.

People wanted value for money, lasting change and permanent addition - such as any street furniture installed, to stay.

91% identified their highest priority was for things to happen - market/ activities at least twice a month.


Bollards majority support reducing bollards BUT ppl still wants to reduce illegal parking wider level crossings widely supported 1 premise towards a market square. Comments showed want for long-term plan. Currently funding can't fully pedestrianise C current parking does not meet access standards connecting front Street - support for signage social media / maps help. PI

Community art should be by quality artists. Way-finder + mural together.

Seating by WMC generally supported as respite. Longer term aspirations.

Feasibility study supported. 1

Priorities + least popular

Greater Acomb community forum.

Design / logo heart = community together

Oak leaf = Acomb meaning.


Shaping the Design

More happening with the space

People said don't want any changes to be undone.

People don't want clutter - clear pedestrian routes.

People want flexible space. Space for people, not for cars.

Road surface could change towards pedestrians.

Additional west welcome entrance.

People who walk there arrive that way.

Changes towards 'pedestrians’ space' rather than 'car space'  by using "buff Hardipave" zone - road surface is less attractive to drivers.

Tree in planter because utilities. (roots in the way)

New community noticeboard

New tactile paving to improve wheelchair experience of road quality & reduce vibration for buggies too. Before + after illustrations of streets with new designs. Lessen bollards.

Wide generous crossings.

Tree as parking deterrent.

De-clutter highways stuff + signage

Feb ' 24 proposed to remove 80, keep 60.

July 24 proposed to  remove 97, keep 34 (74% reduction in bollards)

There were 54 bollards on Fr. St. Anyway (before the Phase 1)

Bollards are a mix of wooden + metal.

Current disabled bays not compliant.

Can be misused, can't get in / out. Travel anxiety.

New crossing at Morrisons.

Maintenance cost of wooden street furniture.

Phase 2 - spend deadline is March 2025

Engagement survey : review pedestrianisation, trial events, review Morrisons junction, & change green space outside the Working Men's Club.

You spoke  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Meeting Notes and 'Common Room' engagement exercise


Note Of Joint Acomb, Westfield, Holgate Ward Committee 10/07/24:

Front Street Project Update

See PDF for copy of presentation slides.

Discussion/ questions

1.     The premise of answers in presentation is based on presumption that cars are allowed through - remove them and the design changes altogether. At the start of engagement

(March 24) Phase 2 work state there would be no change to use of the road. This would require consultation with businesses/ traders and residents. 


2.     Some blue badge holders did not vote for change to current blue badge bays.


3.     Who will police the illegal parking when people reverse onto the pavement?


4.     Who will clean up the mess on Front Street after benches used? We have had planters before, feral children pull plants out, shops must clean up the mess when they come to work.

a.     Acknowledge risk this could happen, cannot promise that it won’t happen.  The proposal is a balance noting the direction that people want to see for Front Street, to make space a nice environment, then community will start to look after it which will be more of a deterrent to anti-social behaviour. Boyes have shared a case when children pulled plants out, they put the plants back in the boxes and it didn’t happen again.  Need to include young people in the design of mural/ artwork, instil a sense ownership.  We will carry out parking enforcement at the start of new scheme to help deter/ change behaviour.  There isn’t a dedicated traffic warden for Acomb.


5.     Thank you for listening and taking on board community feedback.  Why “Greater Acomb” on signage? Love the logo, could move cycle racks closer to buildings to create more space, and use the oak leaf logo to top and tail the racks.

a.     We propose to use the logo not the wording.

b.     Greater Acomb Community Forum (GACF): when forum was set up many people said that they feel they live in Acomb despite not being within the ward, idea was to pull all areas together.


6.     Could the planter outside the Gateway Centre have a Christmas tree in it?  Sustainable solution don’t have to be broad leaf trees.


7.     WALOB thanked team, it has been a long road to get here. Remind people of the £1M regeneration grant, went awry in Phase 1, we feel that a one level open space is needed to get the best out of the street.  The different colourings and goodwill gestures on the road will still be a road with restrictions and kerbs.  Would love to see evidence of commitment to pedestrianisation surveys, and clarification of the future direction of travel.  We worry that once the current funding is spent then that’s it for Acomb.

a.     Cllr Coles:  A feasibility study is in the phase 2 proposal.  The risk is that if we delay more then we won’t spend the current funding by the deadline, therefore there is a balance to strike.

b.     Cllr Lomas: The feasibility study cost  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


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