Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Heslington Church. Field Lane, Heslington, York. YO10 5JD

Contact: Claire Taylor  Community Involvement Officer

No. Item


6.30pm Welcome and Introductions


Cllr Keith Aspden welcomed everybody to the Ward Committee meeting and outlined the arrangements for the evening. Introductions were made by PCSO Tony Barge and Helen Jarvis-Ong from City of York Council.


Cllr Aspden informed the residents that copies of the minutes would be available as well as placed onto the council web-site.


A number of residents collected recycling boxes and lids from the Ward Committee that are being given out by City of York Council to support recycling in the local area.



Police Update


PCSO Tony Barge updated residents on crime levels in both Fulford and Heslington. In the past 3 months there continues to be a low level of crime in both Fulford and Heslington.


Crime linked to Fulford has focussed around Designer Outlet and not a lot of crime arising from University of York campus currently – students return 24/25th September 2016.


PCSO Barge made residents aware that previous communication systems such as ringmaster are been replaced by Community Messaging which any residents can sign up to and will receive emails or text for areas and localities of interest.


PCSO to get in touch with providers of local newsletters to request information to be placed in next addition.



Ward Budgets

An overview of the 2016/17 financial year ward budget and how it has been allocated to date to support projects and schemes in the ward.


Cllr Keith Aspden provided residents with an update on the current ward budget including what projects had already been supported by the Ward Team.


The next deadline for ward grant application forms is the 31st October 2016.


A local resident reported that a new group, with the support of Fulford Parish Council, wished to place a grant application form in for the erection of an apiculture, consisting of 6-8 hives on Fulford allotments.



Local Plan

Cllr Aspden will give an overview of the sites identified in the ward as part of the Local Plan Preferred sites consultation.


-         Cllr Aspden gave an update on the current version of the Local Plan. It was outlined that the current consultation (which included a number of drop in and Ward Committee sessions) ran until Monday (12th September 2016) and residents and both Parish Councils were urged to respond to the consultation.

-         Cllr Aspden stressed the need for York to put a Local Plan in place, partly due to the need to provide protection for York’s Green Belt, alongside the implications of central government imposing their own plan in York.

-         Cllr Aspden then explained the specific sites in Fulford and Heslington before opening the meeting to questions and comments.


-         Fulford Parish Council (Mary Urmston) gave the first comment, saying that the Parish Council was drafting a response to the consultation. Fulford Parish Council was going to support the plan in the reduction of overall housing numbers and protection to the Green Belt, but were raising a number of specific points. The points included:


·        Welcoming the removal of certain sites, such as those around Fulford Designer Outlet and Naburn Lane.

·        Objecting to certain sites, such as Land to the West of Elvington Lane. Noting that although the site has moved further away there are still concerns it will have a significant impact on traffic.


-         Heslington Parish Council (David Blacketer) reported that it will be meeting on the 8th September to pull together a local plan response but thanked Cllr Aspden for the update as it will provide the opportunity to further reflect on the plan.


-         Cllr Aspden acknowledged the fact that neighbouring  parish councils need to be working together to form a stronger argument


Q- Where will the road run through for the Elvington site, will fields be lost, and what are the implications for local residents?

A – There has been no final decision as this will be subject to further detailed work and any planning applications. However, in the planning guidance within the Local Plan consultation there will be two access points – off the A64 and the A1237.


Q – Have discussions been undertaken with the Highways Agency regarding A64 access?

A – Through discussion led by the developers it has been identified as an achievable option; however the Highways Agency will need to be in agreement.


Q – Has a full sustainability appraisal been undertaken at this stage?

A – The Local Plan included a range of documents forming a thorough evidence base, including the Preferred Sites Consultation Sustainability Appraisal July 2016.


Q – In the Local Plan, how will the order of site development be prioritised?

A – It was explained that within the Local Plan documents, the goal is for brownfield development to be prioritised before Green field options.


Q- Is there any further information on the Germany Beck Development?

A-  Germany Beck has been granted planning permission and work has already commenced on the development. The number of houses has been taken into consideration whilst formulating the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Have Your Say

An opportunity to raise issues of local interest or concern.


No further issues were raised.


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