Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Heslington Church, Heslington Lane

Contact: Claire Taylor 

No. Item


7.00-7.30pm Surgery

The Library Service are attending as well as the Police, Street Environment Officer and there will also be information about the Smarter Charter.



Prior to the start of the formal meeting, residents had the opportunity to speak to Councillors Levene and Aspden, Claire Taylor, Community Involvement Officer and representatives of the Safer Neighbourhood Team.  Information was available on the proposal to transfer the Libraries and Archives service into a community benefit society and on the Smarter Charter.


The formal meeting began at 7.30pm


Welcome and minutes


Councillor Levene welcomed everyone to the meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting held on 25th June 2012 were agreed to be a true and accurate record.


Ward team updates


Representatives from the Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team gave an update on current issues within the wards. Details were given of the crime statistics for the wards. There was a 50% reduction overall this year to date (from 1st April), with 4 crimes being reported – one of which had involved the theft of £6,000 worth of bicycles from the university campus.


PCSOs reported that there were no significant issues in Heslington village that they were aware of.


In response to a question about complaints regarding cyclists riding on the pavements, or without lights after dark, PCSOs reported that they were working with the university transport department to tackle this issue. It was noted that in the winter, PCSO representatives had spent an evening at the crossroads, and had stopped anyone found to be riding without lights, and handed out free high-visibility vests and vouchers for discounted lights. Residents asked whether fines were issued for these incidents, and the PCSO confirmed that there was a £30 fine incurred for any of these offences.


Residents noted that cyclists riding without lights was still a major issue, and asked if anything further could be done to enforce the law. PCSOs explained that resources were a problem, as there was only one PCSO to cover the campus and Heslington village. It was noted that pre-planned activities such as the one which took place in winter would continue, and that this remained a priority.


Residents reported a number of incidents of cyclists riding extremely fast down the pavement on Main Street during the day, noting that this was dangerous to pedestrians, particularly children and elderly people. The Safer Neighbourhood Team agreed to investigate this matter, and noted they would enforce fines on anyone found to be riding on the pavement.


The PCSO for Fulford introduced himself to residents. He noted that he was looking to increase the number of Neighbourhood Watch schemes in the ward, and encourage more involvement from residents.


He reported that there had been a year on year reduction in crime of 33%, and that most of this related to incidents at the McArthur Glen outlet. He advised that he was working with the security team there to ensure a more visible police presence.


Councillor Levene thanked the Safer Neighbourhood Team for their updates.



Ward priorities and Ward budgets for 2013/14


Councillor Aspden declared an interest as a member of Fulford in Bloom Committee, the Fulford Show Committee and as a governor at St Oswald’s School.


Councillor Levene provided an update of ward spending during 2012-13 as follows:

  • £150 to Beekeepers After School Club and Holiday Play Scheme to purchase sporting equipment
  • £1000 to Fulford in Bloom for floral improvements
  • £240 to Fulford Show for a climbing wall
  • £1390 for works to the pavilion.


It was noted that final reports on the funding would be available at the end of June 2013, and would be presented to the next informal committee meeting.


Councillor Levene advised that the total ward budget for 2013/14 was £2780 and this would be split evenly between the Heslington and Fulford areas.  Applications were invited from community groups based in the ward for projects which were in line with the ward ambitions:  Improve the local environment, People Matter, Keeping you safe, Increase confidence in where you live.  Application forms were available to take away.



Have your say




An opportunity was given for residents to raise any issues or concerns they may have in respect of the wards. The following issues were raised:


i) Residents asked councillors if any more information was available about the proposed new development Holme Hill. It was noted that a Parish Council meeting had taken place the previous week, which had discussed this matter in depth.


Councillor Levene explained that as part of the council’s Local Plan, a call had been put out to local landowners for sites, and that Lord Halifax had offered up almost all of his land for sale, and that part of this had been marked for the development of a new village, “Holme Hill”. Councillor Levene acknowledged the concerns of residents about this large development in close proximity to Heslington village.


Questions were raised about the process which would now take place. Councillor Levene explained there was a draft plan for consultation, and a working group would be meeting to discuss this on Monday 22nd April to discuss, before making recommendations to Cabinet. Following these recommendations, the plan would be available for public consultation.


Residents raised concerns about access from the development site, and noted that there could be a serious issue with increased construction traffic and other traffic through the village as a result. Councillor Levene noted that he did not have full details of the proposals but that he would look into this matter further. He noted, however, that the Highways Agency had been consulted in relation to the Holme Hill plan, and that the proposal included the development of an additional ring road junction. Residents asked for assurance that no private traffic would be allowed to use Common Lane into Heslington village, and Councillor Levene agreed to confirm whether this had been agreed.


Residents then asked if the greenbelt status of land surrounding the village still remained for the time being, and Councillor Levene confirmed that this was the case. He noted that the National Planning Framework which had recently been introduced, would make it easier to build on greenbelt land if there was a strong argument for development, so it was important to officially define this land within the 18 month time limit to prevent any future development from going ahead.


Residents asked if there was a confirmed time limit on the consultation period. Councillor Levene noted that the plan and recommendations from the working party would go to Cabinet on 30th April, and he believed that the consultation period would start following this meeting. He agreed to look into this further, and confirm the consultation deadline to residents as soon as possible. It was noted that consultations of this sort usually lasted around eight weeks, and that this would be the only opportunity for residents to formally challenge the proposals.


Residents asked if there had been any preliminary work on road access, as there would be a potential addition of more than 7,000 cars using the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


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