Issue - meetings

York Green Streets tree planting proposals 2024/25.

Meeting: 15/10/2024 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Environment and Climate Emergency (Item 5.)

5. York Green Streets - Progress and Next Steps pdf icon PDF 278 KB

This report sets out progress towards finalising City of York Council’s tree planting proposals for the 2024/25 tree planting season as part of the York Green Streets initiative. The report also seeks Executive Member approval to engage the market to help identify likely costs of tree supply, installation, and aftercare and grant delegated authority to the Director of City Development in consultation with the Director of Finance and Director of Governance to award delivery contracts subject to grant funding being secured.




i)   That the categorisation of remaining planting opportunities into distinct planting specification types and a process of market engagement to assess implementation costs accepting the risks and opportunities associated with planting trees within York’s urban area, particularly on sites within a highway setting, be approved.


Reason: To enable effective market engagement to establish accurate pricing of planting proposals, whilst understanding the risks and opportunities if tree planting within York’s urban area, especially highways settings.


ii)   That delegated authority be granted to the Director of City Development in consultation with the Director of Finance and Director of Governance to award delivery contracts subject to grant funding bids being successful.


Reason: So that contract procurement can proceed swiftly following confirmation of grant funding.


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