Issue - meetings

TRO Consulation

Meeting: 14/11/2023 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport (Item 25)

25 Tadcaster Road TRO Consultation (10:34am) pdf icon PDF 283 KB

The report outlines the consultation responses to the proposed amendment to the Traffic Regulation Orders, as a result of the recent works undertaken on Tadcaster Road, which has slightly changed the road layout. The new road layout required the proposed introduction of ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions on Tadcaster Road.


Additional documents:




That the Executive Member:


i.                Implemented the proposed ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions as they were proposed.




In order to help achieve the original benefits of the scheme as it was proposed. The introduction of the No waiting at time’ restrictions will also remove any potential parking away from the laybys on Tadcaster Road, which will reduce the congestion in the area.


ii.               Engaged in further consultation with the businesses, local residents and Ward Councillors about potentially creating limit time parking for the laybys, to remove the all-day parking that has historically occurred.




This will help create a better parking amenity for the local businesses.



The Traffic Management Team Leader presented the report and confirmed that the recommendations to the Executive Member were Options 1 and 3, not Option 2 as documented in the agenda.




That the Executive Member:


i.        Implemented the proposed ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions as they were proposed.




In order to help achieve the original benefits of the scheme as it was proposed. The introduction of the No waiting at time’ restrictions will also remove any potential parking away from the laybys on Tadcaster Road, which will reduce the congestion in the area.


ii.       Engaged in further consultation with the businesses, local residents and Ward Councillors about potentially creating limit time parking for the laybys, to remove the all-day parking that has historically occurred.




This will help create a better parking amenity for the local businesses.



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