Issue - meetings

York 2032 - Strategy and Policy Framework

Meeting: 15/12/2022 - Executive (Item 64)

64 York 2032: The 10-Year Plan pdf icon PDF 439 KB

The Chief Operating Officer to present a report which invites Executive to review a 10-year plan entitled ‘York 2032: The City Plan’, founded on the ambitions and goals set out in the three 10-Year strategies reviewed by Executive in November, and recommend that Council approve and adopt the plan.


Note: This item was added late to the Forward Plan under urgency procedures as the 10-year plan has been co-designed with partners and has now reached the stage where it can be considered by Executive prior to Full Council.  A Regulation 10 notice has been published on the council’s website.


Additional documents:



Recommended:  That Council approve and adopt the York 2032: 10-Year Plan on behalf of the city.


Reason:     To engage partners, city leaders, businesses, stakeholders and residents to work together on key agreed priority areas and actions that aim to actively improve the quality of life for all York’s residents.



[See also under Part B]


The Chief Operating Officer and Assistant Director, Policy & Strategypresented a report which invited Members to review and recommend to Council a 10-year plan entitled ‘York 2032: The City Plan.


The Plan, attached as Annex A to the report, was founded on the ambitions and goals set out in the three 10-Year strategies considered by Executive on 22 November 2022.  developed by working closely with city partners, it comprised an overarching vision with agreed priorities, together with 5 pledges and a series of actions on which city partners would work together. It was not a fixed plan and would continue to evolve over the months and years ahead providing an opportunity for further consultation to maintain an effective plan.


Recommended:  That Council approve and adopt the York 2032: 10-Year Plan on behalf of the city.


Reason:     To engage partners, city leaders, businesses, stakeholders and residents to work together on key agreed priority areas and actions that aim to actively improve the quality of life for all York’s residents.



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