Issue - meetings

Consideration of objections and comments received to the second consultation regarding Residents Priority Parking on Fulford Cross

Meeting: 07/02/2019 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 71)

71 Consideration of results from an additional consultation in Fulford Cross pdf icon PDF 301 KB

To report the consultation results for Fulford Cross and to determine what action is appropriate.


Additional documents:


Resolved:         That delegation be given to the Corporate Director of Economy and Place to approve the advertisement of an amendment to the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order to introduce Residents’ Priority Parking Area for Fulford Cross as outlined in Option 2 as detailed below, on the condition that the Executive agree that the area of Education land at the front of the school, that has highway rights over it, be transferred to the Highway Authority.


1.   Advertise an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order to introduce a Residents’ Priority Parking Area (R63) to operate Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm in Fulford Cross. To include the Education Land adjacent to Danesgate School.

2.   Revocation of 1.6m of no waiting at any time of No Waiting at any Time (double yellow lines) adjacent to 2 Fulford Cross and to enable (3) below.

3.   Advertise a 6.6m Disabled Parking Bay on Fulford Cross adjacent to No 3 Fulford Cross

4.   Advertise No Waiting at any Time Restrictions (double yellow lines) as detailed in the plan attached in annex B to the report.

Reason: To progress an amended scheme which meets residents requests for permit parking amenity on Education land and which reflects the views of several of the residents who responded to the consultation and the Ward Councillors. 



Further to consideration of the results of an initial consultation in relation to a request for residents parking in the Danesmead Estate, Fulford Cross, Broadway West and Westfield Drive at a decision session on 25 October 2018, the Executive Member was asked to consider the results from an additional consultation in Fulford Cross.


Officers advised that Danesgate School, which was currently in the process of working with the education department towards academisation, had informed the authority within the last 48 hours that they did not wish to proceed in respect of the spaces associated with the land currently designated as education land. Officers stated that they had been accordingly advised by the education department that that land had not therefore come forward at this time.


They advised the Executive Member that one option was to  proceed and advertise as proposed without those spaces in the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). However their recommended course of action would be to proceed and give delegation to officers to implement the TRO as proposed to be advertised but that the advertising be conditional on the Council’s Executive agreeing for the education land to be designated as highway land. By doing this they could deal with that matter in the academisation of Danesgate and permanently secure the maintenance of the land associated with this Traffic Regulation Order.


They stated that, although it may cause a slight delay in terms of implementing the TRO, it would provide a permanent solution which could be maintained on an ongoing basis as part of the highway infrastructure rather than the current arrangements which had the land split between the council’s education, housing and highways departments. Officers confirmed that if the Executive Member gave delegation to proceed with the TRO, as soon as land issue was sorted, it could proceed without the need to come back to a decision session.


Officers noted Councillor D’Agorne’s request that the Fulford Cross scheme be taken forwarded at the same time as the Danesgate Estate scheme and advised that this would have some impact on this but that they would aim to expedite land arrangements as the school was aiming to academise in September.


Resolved:         That delegation be given to the Corporate Director of Economy and Place to approve the advertisement of an amendment to the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order to introduce Residents’ Priority Parking Area for Fulford Cross as outlined in Option 2 as detailed below, on the condition that the Executive agree that the area of Education land at the front of the school, that has highway rights over it, be transferred to the Highway Authority.


1.   Advertise an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order to introduce a Residents’ Priority Parking Area (R63) to operate Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm in Fulford Cross. To include the Education Land adjacent to Danesgate School.

2.   Revocation of 1.6m of no waiting at any time of No Waiting at any Time (double yellow lines) adjacent to 2 Fulford  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71


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