Issue - meetings

Turner Close and Huntington Road: Consideration of Representations received to advertised proposal

Meeting: 12/07/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 12)

12 Turner Close & Huntington Road: Proposed Amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order - Consideration of objections received pdf icon PDF 137 KB

The Executive Member is asked to consider the representations received to the recently advertised waiting restrictions on Turner Close and Huntington Road.


Additional documents:


Resolved: That Option 1 be approved, to advertise a proposal to amend the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order to:


(i)      Implement as advertised with a reduced length of waiting restrictions on the west side of Turner Close as outlined in Annex B to the report


(ii)      Implement a shorter length of waiting restrictions on Huntington Road as outlined in Annex B


Reason:     To remove obstructive parking and improve sight lines whilst taking into consideration the objections received during the consultation process


The Executive Member considered a report which asked him to consider the representations received to the recently advertised waiting restrictions on Turner Close and Huntington Road.


Officers advised the Executive Member that a representative of Vets 4 Pets had registered to speak at the meeting under the public participation scheme but had been unable to attend. They drew the Executive Member’s attention to their objection which was outlined in the report and confirmed that although it had been proposed to shorten the length of waiting restrictions at the vehicle access points on the western side of Turner Close to provide additional parking and to implement a reduced length of restrictions on Huntington Road, they still objected to the scheme.


The Executive Member acknowledged that officers had listened to residents concerns and made necessary amendments to the proposals and were recommending implementing a shortened length of waiting restrictions on both Turner Close and Huntington Road.


Resolved: That Option 1 be approved, to advertise a proposal to amend the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order to:


(i)      Implement as advertised with a reduced length of waiting restrictions on the west side of Turner Close as outlined in Annex B to the report


(ii)     Implement a shorter length of waiting restrictions on Huntington Road as outlined in Annex B


Reason:     To remove obstructive parking and improve sight lines whilst taking into consideration the objections received during the consultation process


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