Issue - meetings

Parking Issues, Lysander Close

Meeting: 12/07/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 11)

11 Lysander Close: Proposed Amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 150 KB

This report requests permission to advertise waiting restrictions on Lysander Close.


Additional documents:


Resolved: (i)      That Option 1 be approved:  to advertise a proposal to amend the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order to introduced waiting restrictions on Lysander Close as outlined in Annex A to the report.


(ii)      That authority be given to officers to implement as advertised if no objections are received.


Reason:     To remove obstructive parking for access to business outlets and footway parking.


The Executive Member considered a report which sought approval to advertise waiting restrictions on Lysander Close. He noted that authorisation had recently been given for restrictions to be implemented on part of the access route on Lysander close and that the remaining part of unrestricted access suffered from  obstructive parking during the working week at all times and this could worsen after implementation of the new restrictions. He acknowledged the developer’s request to extend the ‘no waiting at any time restrictions’(double yellow lines) to cover the remaining carriageway to keep the footway and access to the new dealership for the larger transporter vehicles unobstructed.


Officers advised that, due to the current state of the road, the agreed restrictions (double yellow lines) had not yet been implemented and that, if no objections were received to the proposal to extend the restrictions, the restrictions could be implemented on the whole road at the same time. 


Resolved: (i)      That Option 1 be approved:  to advertise a proposal to amend the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order to introduced waiting restrictions on Lysander Close as outlined in Annex A to the report.


(ii)      That authority be given to officers to implement as advertised if no objections are received.


Reason:     To remove obstructive parking for access to business outlets and footway parking.


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