Issue - meetings

PROW: Town And Country Planning Act 1990, Section 257

Meeting: 14/09/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 31)

31 Public Rights of Way: The Council of the City of York, Public Bridleway, No. 18 (Part), Public Path Diversion Order 2017 - Consideration of Outstanding Objection pdf icon PDF 187 KB

On the 9 March approval was given to make an Order to divert the shared use path (public bridleway) from Metcalfe Lane to Meadlands. The Order was made on 1June and advertised on 16 June 2017. 1 objection was received during the statutory consultation period, and the Order cannot therefore be confirmed by the Council. This report asks the Executive Member to authorise the Order to be referred to the Secretary of State for determination, or to abandon the Order.




Additional documents:


Resolved:                     That the referral of the Order to the Secretary of State for a decision be authorised.

Reason:                        To enable the Order to be determined, which, if confirmed, will allow that part of the development for which planning permission has been granted to take place.



The Executive Member considered a report setting out details of an objection received to the making of the above Order and seeking authority to refer determination of the Order to the Secretary of State, in light of that objection.

Kathryn Jukes spoke as the Director of Directions Planning Consultancy Ltd and the agent working on behalf of Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust, commenting that the diversion of the bridleway was necessary for the approval of their development.

Mr Walton, a local resident, spoke in support of referring the Order to the Secretary of State, outlining specific personal circumstances for wishing the Order to be determined.

Councillor Warters then spoke as the Ward Member and objector and outlined his reasons for objecting, which were set out in detail in the report. He urged the Executive Member to abandon the Order.

Having considered the objection received, together with other public contributions, the Executive Member

Resolved:                     To refer the Order to the Secretary of State for determination and a decision to be authorised.

Reason:                        To enable the Order to be determined, which, if confirmed, would allow that part of the development for which planning permission had been granted to take place.


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