Issue - meetings

Junction Alterations – Lendal Arch Gyratory

Meeting: 14/09/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 30)

30 Junction Alterations – Lendal Arch Gyratory pdf icon PDF 182 KB

This report highlights the alterations to the following junctions which are required to allow replacement of life-expired signalling assets at Station Road /Rougier Street and Station Rise /Station Road. Together these junctions are commonly known as ‘Lendal Arch Gyratory’


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Resolved:                     (i) That Option 1, the recommended design for the Station Road / Rougier Street junction, be approved.


                                      (ii) That Option 1, the recommended design for the Station Rise / Station Road, be approved;


                                      (iii) That, notwithstanding the above approvals and consequent upon appropriate consultations taking place regarding the provision of cycle lanes, authority be delegated to the Assistant Director (Transport, Highways and Environment) to consider removing a filter lane in relation to the left turn into Station Rise (Leeman Road)


Reason:                        (i)The recommended design offers the best solution to allow replacement of the asset in line with current design standards, whilst minimising the impact on pedestrians and vehicular traffic.


(ii) The recommended design offers the best solution to allow replacement of the asset in line with current design standards, whilst minimising the impact on pedestrians and vehicular traffic. It also takes advantage of the available opportunity to implement a new pedestrian crossing for the benefit of blind and partially sighted users.



The Executive Member considered a report on proposed junction alterations in relation to Lendal Arch Gyratory, to allow for replacement life-expired signalling assets at Station Road/Rougier Street and Station Rise/Station Road.


Dave Merrett spoke on behalf of the York Cycle Forum, commenting that the Forum appeared not to have been consulted and sought deferral on specific aspects of the scheme to allow for that consultation, referring to the potential risks and impact on cyclists arising from the removal of any cycle lane.


Paul Hepworth spoke on behalf of Cycling UK, asking to see the response from Cycling UK and commenting that, from a cycling perspective, he did not support the removal of a central cycle lane.


Details of external consultation responses received were tabled for the benefit of the Executive Member to assist his decision making.


Whilst he did not wish to delay the proposed alterations unnecessarily, in light of potential funding for the Scarborough Bridge scheme, the Executive Member requested Officers to consider options for removing a filter lane in relation to the left turn into Station Rise (Leeman Road).


Resolved:                     (i) That Option 1, the recommended design for the Station Road / Rougier Street junction, be approved.


                                      (ii) That Option 1, the recommended design for the Station Rise / Station Road, be approved;


                                      (iii) That, notwithstanding the above approvals and consequent upon appropriate consultations taking place regarding the provision of cycle lanes, authority be delegated to the Assistant Director (Transport, Highways and Environment) to consider removing a filter lane in relation to the left turn into Station Rise (Leeman Road)


Reason:                        (i)The recommended design offers the best solution to allow replacement of the asset in line with current design standards, whilst minimising the impact on pedestrians and vehicular traffic.


(ii) The recommended design offers the best solution to allow replacement of the asset in line with current design standards, whilst minimising the impact on pedestrians and vehicular traffic. It also takes advantage of the available opportunity to implement a new pedestrian crossing for the benefit of blind and partially sighted users.


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