Issue - meetings

Rosedale Street Residents' Parking Petition

Meeting: 22/06/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 12)

12 Rosedale Street Residents' Parking Petition pdf icon PDF 609 KB

The report acknowledges the receipt of a petition and determines what action is appropriate.




(i)      That Option 3 be approved and Rosedale Street be added to the Residents parking waiting list and an investigation carried out when it reaches the top of the list.

Reason: Because this will respond to residents concerns in the order they are raised and can be progressed depending on funding available each year.

(ii)      That a strategic review of the Residents Parking policy be undertaken.

Reason:  To provide a more strategic and effective response to residents parking concerns in the city. 



The Executive Member considered a report which informed him of the receipt of a petition requesting that “the City of York Council Parking Enforcement include Rosedale Street in the R20 Residents Parking Scheme”


Two people had registered to speak at the meeting under public participation.


Councillor D’Agorne addressed the meeting as Ward Member for Fishergate. While he acknowledged that the normal process was to consult with every resident of the street, he asked if there was  an opportunity in this case to speed up the process as every resident of the street had already indicated via the petition that they wanted a ResPark scheme.


Officers noted his comments but advised that residents would still need to be consulted formally as they would need to be made aware of the financial implications of the scheme before confirming their views.


Michael Conboy, a resident of Rosedale Street, addressed the meeting in support of residents parking in Rosedale Street as a continuation of R20. He explained that parking congestion in Rosedale Street was exacerbated by double yellow lines on the corners of junctions as well as by the introduction of permit parking in Grange Street, which now had several empty spaces, with some Grange Street residents choosing to park for free in Rosedale Street instead of paying for a permit to park in their own street. He advised that he had spoken to fellow residents of Rosedale Street, all of whom were in favour of a permit scheme.

The Executive Member considered the following options:

·        Option 1, to note the petition but take no action.

·        Option 2, to approve the initial consultation.

·        Option 3, to give approval to progress an investigation when the area reaches the top of the waiting list along with the option of widening the consultation depending on circumstances at the time.


(i)      That Option 3 be approved and Rosedale Street be added to the Residents parking waiting list and an investigation carried out when it reaches the top of the list.

Reason: Because this will respond to residents concerns in the order they are raised and can be progressed depending on funding available each year.

(ii)      That a strategic review of the Residents Parking policy be undertaken.

Reason:  To provide a more strategic and effective response to residents parking concerns in the city. 


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