Issue - meetings

Removal of 26no. BT Payphones at various locations across the City of York area

Meeting: 07/12/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 51)

51 BT Public Payphone Removal Consultation pdf icon PDF 193 KB

This report is to inform the Executive Member for Transport and Planning of a formal consultation by British Telecom (BT) to the Council and the wider local community on its intentions to remove 26no public payphones at various locations throughout the City of York Council area.

Additional documents:


Resolved: (i) To follow the recommendations to object or not object on each individual payphone as listed in Annex A, other than for the following application where it has been resolved to object;


16/02145/TCNOT – Outside Ryedale Court, The Village, Haxby.


       (ii)  If the local Consultation has identified a desire from the relevant Parish Council or other body to adopt a PCB (Public Call Box) for other uses, that BT be notified of this desire to adopt.

 (iii)If new objections are received during the 2nd stage of the notification/consultation process to the removal of a PCB (Public Call Box) where the resolution was for there to be No objections, the Assistant Director of Planning and Public Protection be delegated to formally object to B.T in order to comply with the agreed timescale of the formal consultation process.

(iv) That these new objections then be considered by the Executive Member for Transport and Planning at the next available Executive Member Decision Session.

Reason: To comply with Ofcom procedural and timescale guidelines on such applications.







The Executive Member received a report which informed him of a formal consultation by British Telecom (BT) to the Council and the wider local community on its intentions to remove 26no public payphones at various locations throughout the city.


Officers recapped the process andupdated the Executive Member on comments received in regards to two of the proposed payphones to be removed.


·        16/02132/TCNOT - Councillor Aspden and Fulford Parish Council had previously submitted comments in regards to the risk of flooding in the area. Officers had received information from BT about the use of mobile phones in emergency situations.


·        16/02145/TCNOT- Outside Ryedale Court, The Village Haxby


Haxby Town Council objected to the removal of the telephone box due to high usage rates.


The Executive Member stated that he was happy to recommend that objections be raised to the removal of that box.


Resolved: (i) To follow the recommendations to object or not object on each individual payphone as listed in Annex A, other than for the following application where it has been resolved to object;


16/02145/TCNOT – Outside Ryedale Court, The Village, Haxby.


       (ii)  If the local Consultation has identified a desire from the relevant Parish Council or other body to adopt a PCB (Public Call Box) for other uses, that BT be notified of this desire to adopt.

 (iii)If new objections are received during the 2nd stage of the notification/consultation process to the removal of a PCB (Public Call Box) where the resolution was for there to be No objections, the Assistant Director of Planning and Public Protection be delegated to formally object to B.T in order to comply with the agreed timescale of the formal consultation process.

(iv) That these new objections then be considered by the Executive Member for Transport and Planning at the next available Executive Member Decision Session.

Reason: To comply with Ofcom procedural and timescale guidelines on such applications.









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