Issue - meetings

Monkgate Roundabout Cycle/Pedestrian Safety Scheme

Meeting: 13/10/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 35)

35 Monkgate Roundabout Cycle/Pedestrian Safety Scheme pdf icon PDF 157 KB

This report updates the Executive Member on work undertaken to develop the previously agreed option to reduce the number of accidents at Monkgate Roundabout, and includes the results of consultation. It also seeks approval of a recommended layout for construction.


Additional documents:


Resolved: (i) That the scheme be approved as shown in Annex A to the Officer’s report.

                 (ii) That authority be delegated to the Director for City and Environmental Services to investigate the feasibility of the installation of additional signs for cyclists.

Reason: To improve facilities for cyclists and pedestrians and to reduce the number of accidents involving cyclists.




The Executive Member considered a report which updated him on work undertaken to reduce the number of accidents at Monkgate Roundabout. The report also sought approval of a recommended layout for construction.

Officers informed the Executive Member of a number of accidents that had taken place at the roundabout.

The Executive Member took into consideration the comments from the public speakers, and referred to a representation he had received before the meeting from Councillor Craghill. It was noted that this scheme would be kept under review.

Resolved: (i) That the scheme be approved as shown in Annex A  to the Officer’s report.

                 (ii) That the decision to install signs to inform cyclists of dropped kerbs on the junction be delegated to the Director of City and Environmental Services.

Reason: To improve facilities for cyclists and pedestrians and to reduce the number of accidents involving cyclists.




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