Issue - meetings

Q3 Finance & Performance monitor 2012/13

Meeting: 12/02/2013 - Executive (Item 85)

85 2012-13 Performance and Finance Monitor 3 pdf icon PDF 378 KB

This report sets out the performance of the Council in delivering its Council Plan priorities and report progress on delivering the revenue budget, covering the period 1 October 2012 to 31 December 2012.  The report sets out headline performance in the delivery of the Council Plan and projected performance against budget.



RESOLVED:                That Cabinet agree to:


i)             Note performance against the Council plan.


ii)            Note the current projected pressures of £1,721k.


iii)          Approve the strategies in place to mitigate the forecast as outlined in the body of the report


REASON: In order to ensure expenditure is kept within budget.





Consideration was given to a report which set out details of the Council’s headline performance in delivering the Council Plan priorities and the projected performance against budget, covering the period 1 October 2012  to 31 December 2012.


It was noted that the government had announced in December that the settlement for 2013/14 had been revised to include a further 1% cut in budget for the next financial year.  This required the council to accelerate existing work and initiate additional changes to enable a balanced budget to be set.  The impacts of the welfare reforms would also put further pressure on the council in supporting the most vulnerable residents. 


It was reported that York and its partners had however delivered a number of significant successes in 2012 and maintained strong performance in key areas. Since Monitor 2, as a result of the implementation of mitigation strategies, the forecast pressures had reduced by £800k to £1.7m however further work would continue to ensure that the revenue budget was balanced.


Full details of the performance and delivery of the Council Plan in all five areas was set out in the report at paragraphs 8 to 79. Financial performance was also reported with the mid year forecast indicating financial pressures of £1.721k, an improvement of £792k compared to £2,513k reported at Monitor 2. Further information in respect of the financial outturn of each directorate and corporate budgets was set out at paragraphs 87 to 128.  It was reported that although the City and Environmental services budget was reporting financial pressures, which had been exacerbated by the extreme weather, it was intended that the final outturn would be on budget.  Information on the position of the General Fund Reserve and minimum level required was also stated. 


Members commented on the work that was taking place to attract jobs and inward investment into the city.  Members stressed their commitment to continuing to work with partners and national bodies in order to attract funding.  They stated that the city’s economy was performing well compared to the situation nationally.


The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services stressed the importance of ensuring that expenditure came in on budget at the end of Quarter 4.


RESOLVED:                That Cabinet agree to:


i)             Note performance against the Council plan.


ii)            Note the current projected pressures of £1,721k.


iii)  Approve the strategies in place to mitigate the forecast as outlined in the body of the report. 1.


REASON: In order to ensure expenditure is kept within budget.


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