Issue - meetings

Bus development study proposal

Meeting: 05/01/2012 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 36)

36 Bus Improvement Study pdf icon PDF 83 KB

This report outlines the content of the bus improvement study which is already underway and will be completed by mid-2012. The report also summarises the progress already made to achieving the Council Plan’s objectives for public transport in the City.

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RESOLVED:       (i)      That the contents of the report be noted.


(ii)      That the methodology, scope and focus of the bus improvement study (as set out in Appendix A of the report) be agreed subject to the following issues also being included in the scope:

·        Smart tickets (as well as multi-operator tickets)

·        Addressing cross-city traffic issues to major trip-generating sites


REASON:            This course of action will allow the Council to continue to work towards its stated aim of delivering a significant improvement to the bus network.



The Cabinet Member considered a report that outlined the content of the bus improvement study which was underway and which would be completed by mid-2012.  The report also summarised the progress already made to achieving the Council Plan’s objectives for public transport in the city.


Referring to issues raised by Councillor Healey earlier in the meeting, officers stated that there would be competition through a tendering process so this may provide opportunities for new contractors to come into the city.  A quality contract would also provide an opportunity for those involved to make better investment decisions.


Responding to questions, officers stated that overall there had not been a fall in bus patronage but this was because of the impact of concessionary travel.  The reliability and frequency of services, as well as the costs of travel may have made provision less attractive to some people. 


The Cabinet Member stated that he had made it clear at Quality Bus Partnership meetings that the council was looking to move forward on the basis of partnership working. It was, however, imperative that significant improvements to bus travel had to be delivered.


The Cabinet Member considered the following options:


Option 1 – as detailed in Appendix A to the report, outlined the intended approach for the bus improvement study.  Following an initial piece of investigative work, four areas had been identified for consideration:

a.   Perceived under performance of the bus network.

b.   Concerns about the medium term viability of the bus network.

c.   Outlining what has and what could be delivered through the existing voluntary partnership arrangements.

d.   What regulatory or partnership arrangements might be available to deliver improvements to the bus network in York.

Each of the areas outlined above would be studied in depth and, following consultation with bus operators, members of the public and other key stakeholders, conclusions would be brought back to a future Decision Session.


Option 2

The Cabinet Member was invited to propose an alternative course of action if it was felt that the proposals outlined in Appendix A would not meet the required objectives, namely to propose a course of action which would deliver a step change improvement to the bus network in York.


RESOLVED:       (i)      That the contents of the report be noted.


(ii)      That the methodology, scope and focus of the bus improvement study (as set out in Appendix A of the report – Option 1) be agreed subject to the following issues also being included in the scope:

·        Smart tickets (as well as multi-operator tickets)

·        Addressing cross-city traffic issues to major trip-generating sites


REASON:           This course of action will allow the Council to continue to work towards its stated aim of delivering a significant improvement to the bus network.


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