Issue - meetings

York Adult Care Workforce Development Strategy

Meeting: 20/12/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health (Item 31)

31 York Adult Care Workforce Development Strategy pdf icon PDF 82 KB

This report provides the Cabinet Member with the introduction of the first Adult Care Workforce Development Strategy for York focused on the whole of the adult care workforce. This includes organisations in the voluntary, statutory, private and independent sectors as well as unpaid carers and staff employed directly by individuals receiving direct payments.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:      (i)       That the strategy and the establishment of a partnership group to oversee its implementation be endorsed.


Reason:     To demonstrate City of York Council’s ongoing commitment to developing the adult care workforce.


(ii)        That  the proposal to take a paper reflecting the priorities of the both the children’s and adults’ workforce strategies to the Health and Wellbeing Board be endorsed.


Reason:     To ensure that leadership of both strategies is on a partnership basis.


The Cabinet Member considered a report which introduced the first York Adult Care Workforce Development Strategy.



RESOLVED:       The Cabinet Member is asked to;


(i)           Endorse the strategy and the establishment of a partnership group to oversee its implementation.


Reason:     To demonstrate City of York Council’s ongoing commitment to developing the adult care workforce.


(ii)          Endorse the proposal to take a paper reflecting the priorities of the both the children’s and adult’s workforce strategies to the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Reason:     To ensure that leadership of both strategies is on a partnership basis.


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