Issue - meetings

Sales of Age Restricted Products

Meeting: 01/11/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning (Item 20)

20 Sales of Age Restricted Products pdf icon PDF 104 KB

This report informs the Cabinet Member of the work undertaken by the council’s trading standards service to prevent the illegal sales of age-restricted products. It also seeks approval for the programme of action for the next 12 months.



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RESOLVED:       That the Cabinet Member notes the report and agrees Option 1 to adopt the programme of enforcement action for the next 12 months as set out at paragraph 4.


REASON:            So that the council can meet its obligations.


The Cabinet Member considered a report which detailed the work undertaken by the council’s trading standards service to prevent the illegal sales of age-restricted products.


It was reported that the products regulated with age-restrictions included alcohol, fireworks, certain video games, cigarettes, knives, aerosol paint and solvents. The results of test purchasing activity for the period 2007-2011 together with details of the qualifying criteria for the Responsible Retailer Scheme were also set out in the report at Annexes 1 and 2.


In answer to questions officers confirmed that the number of test purchasing visits had been scaled down following the use of targeted grants. It was pointed out that, with limited resources, it had been felt that the best way to reduce underage sales of alcohol was to undertake proactive work with shop owners which it was considered had a longer term impact.


The Cabinet Member thanks officers for their report and details of activity in this area.


RESOLVED:       That the Cabinet Member notes the report and agrees Option 1 to approve the programme of enforcement action for the next 12 months as set out at paragraph 4. 1.


REASON:           So that the council can meet its obligations.


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