Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/01/2010 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Services (Item 17)

17 Revenue Budget Estimates 2010/11 - Housing and Adult Social Services pdf icon PDF 114 KB

This report is part of the consultation on the 2010/11 budget process and provides details of proposed growth and savings within the Housing and Adult Social Services Directorate. Full details of the budget will be considered by the Executive on the 16 February 2010 and then at Budget Council on the 25 February 2010.

Additional documents:



                                                                                i.            That the Executive Member considered the budget proposals for consultation for Housing & Adult Social Services.


                                                                              ii.            That the Executive Member confirmed that the proposals were in line with the corporate priorities.


                                                                            iii.            That the report be referred to the Executive for consideration.


                                                                             iv.            That any issues arising from the Equalities Impact Assessment be taken into consideration when the Executive considers the final budget proposals.



Reason:          As part of the consultation on the Housing & Adult Social Services budget for 2010/11


The Executive Member received a report as part of the consultation on the 2010/11 budget process.  The report presented the budget proposals for Housing and Adult Social Services  and included:


  • the revenue budget for 2009/10 (Annex 1) to show the existing budgets
  • the budget adjusted and rolled forward from 2009/10 into 2010/11
  • the cost of pay and price increases, increments and settlement of pay and grading appeals for the portfolio
  • proposals for budget service pressure costs and savings options for the portfolio area (Annexes 2 and 3)
  • fees and charges proposals (Annex 4)

·        the Housing Revenue Account (Annex 5).


The Director of Housing and Adult Social Services gave an update on the directorate’s financial position and areas on which there were significant financial pressures. He confirmed that given the need for significant savings it had not been possible to completely avoid proposals that would have some implications either for staff or service levels.


In response to the verbal representations made the Director stated that the removal of the Social Services Policy post would not effect the council’s service to the Valuing People Partnership Board and due to a high volume of staff achieving NVQ’s the requirement for staff training had decreased and that the alternate ways of providing training and the NVQ service would result in a more cost effective service.


The Director informed the Executive Member that the proposal to look at savings in social care assessment  would need to be handled very carefully to ensure that essential services were not affected. It would be subject to very careful consideration and  a rigorous assessment process, which included looking at the risk to customers and staff, legislative requirement, proven customer demand and the Council’s corporate objectives. He added that the Social Care Strategy post and Equalities and Information post provide much needed support to the development and improvement of services.  If savings were made in these areas then it would be important for the new department of Adults, Children and Education to explore how strategic support was provided.


Officers went through the key issues in the report and the forthcoming Housing Revenue Account review. They also stated that the Social Inclusion Working Group would be considering the budget proposals at their meeting on 28th January 2010 and would feed their comments to the Executive and the Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services.


Full details of the budget would be considered by the Executive on 16 February 2010 and then Budget Council on 25 February 2010. 




                                                                                i.            That the Executive Member considered the budget proposals for consultation for Housing & Adult Social Services.


                                                                              ii.            That the Executive Member confirmed that the proposals were in line with the corporate priorities.


                                                                            iii.            That the report be referred to the Executive for consideration.


                                                                             iv.            That any issues arising from the Equalities Impact Assessment be taken into consideration when the Executive considers the final budget proposals.



Reason:          As part of the consultation on the Housing & Adult Social Services budget for 2010/11


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