Issue - meetings

Petition concerning road safety at the Stockton Lane/Hempland Lane/Woodlands Grove junction

Meeting: 16/03/2009 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 94)

94 Petition Concerning Road Safety Measures at the Stockton Lane/Hempland Lane/Woodlands Grove Junction pdf icon PDF 52 KB

This report informs Members of receipt of a petition from parents of children at Hemplands Primary School requesting consultation on possible road safety measures at the Stockton Lane/Hempland Lane/Woodlands Grove junction. The report recommends the undertaking of a feasibility study and consultation with a view to developing a scheme for funding from the transport capital programme.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to:


(i)           Note the content of the petition, and agree that a feasibility study (to include the schools rear entrance) and consultation take place in the Spring, with a view to developing a scheme for funding from the transport capital programme. Dependent on the outcome of the feasibility study, smaller scale measures might be funded in 2009/10, but a larger scale improvement scheme would have to be considered for 2010/11. 

(ii)          Reply to the lead petitioner to inform them of the Panels decision;


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:       (i)To enable the further investigation, and early implementation of potential road safety improvements at this junction.

  (ii) To inform them of the panel’s decision.


Members considered a report which informed them of receipt of a petition from parents of children at Hempland Primary School requesting consultation on possible road safety measures at the Stockton Lane/Hempland Lane /Woodlands Grove junction.


The report stated that a pedestrian refuge had been installed on Stockton Lane at this junction in 2003 and that the existing school crossing patrol assisted school children at this refuge. Parents had subsequently expressed feelings of vulnerability using the refuge owing to the speed and volume of traffic.


The Local Member also referred to problems encountered at the rear entrance to the school with vehicle parking and she requested the inclusion of this entrance in the proposed feasibility study.


Members considered two options:-

·        Option One was for officers to undertake a feasibility study, including consultation with the school, residents and other interested parties, with a view to developing a possible improvement scheme for the junction.

·        Option Two was to take no action.

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to:


(i)           Note the content of the petition, and agree that a feasibility study (to include the schools rear entrance) and consultation take place in the Spring, with a view to developing a scheme for funding from the transport capital programme. Dependent on the outcome of the feasibility study, smaller scale measures might be funded in 2009/10, but a larger scale improvement scheme would have to be considered for 2010/11.  1.

(ii)          Reply to the lead petitioner to inform them of the Panels decision; 2.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:       (i)To enable the further investigation, and early implementation of potential road safety improvements at this junction.

  (ii) To inform them of the panel’s decision.


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