
AGENDA – 27/2/23 - 14:00-16:00 - West Offices, Station Rise, YO1 6GA


1)     Introductions and Apologies (Chair)


2)     Housekeeping

a.      Emergency evacuation routes etc.


3)     Opportunity for any registered members of the public to address the forum (max. 3 mins permitted per speaker)

a.      Currently no registered speakers


4)     Approval of minutes


5)     Actions from previous meeting


6)     Andrew McG to give current position of Funding & Stability of the Network


7)     Operational Delivery Group Update

a.      Review & feedback from the previous ODG meeting


8)     Bus Operator Update

a.      Revised evening timetable


9)     City of York Update

a.      City Centre bus study

b.     Banana Warehouse


10) Request for any additional points of interest attendees would like to see addressed next meeting


11) Agree future meeting dates, times and locations


12) Any other business