Issue details

Proposed diversion and upgrade of public footpath Acaster Malbis 3

For the Executive Member for Transport to decide whether a to make a diversion order to move public footpath Acaster Malbis 3 on to a new alignment and upgrade the footpath to bridleway.
The Executive Member will be asked to authorise the making of a public path order to divert public footpath Acaster Malbis 3 and upgrade it to bridleway.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: Bishopthorpe Ward;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/09/2024

Decision due: 08/10/24 by Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport

Lead member: Executive Member for Transport

Lead director: Director of Transport, Environment and Planning

Department: Directorate of Transport, Environment and Planning

Contact: Russell Varley, Definitive Map Officer, Transport Service-Rights of Way 01904 553691 / Email: Email:

Consultation process

28 day consultation with members, land owners, user groups and other interested parties.

Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: Yes


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