Issue details

Germany Beck Flood Alleviation Scheme

Purpose of Report: Flooding of properties in the Fordlands community occurred in 2000 and has been managed through pumping operations in 2012, 2015 and February 2020. Significant road flooding occurs to Fordlands Road and the A19 in large flood events leaving the Fordlands community isolated and causing significant impact on many 1000’s of resident, commuter and tourist journeys. A scheme to increase the resilience of the A19 to flooding was delivered by the contractors completing the access road to the Germany Beck housing development.

A holistic scheme has been identified that would provide a pumping station to increase flood resilience to properties, maintain access via Fordlands Road and further reinforce the works on the A19. A funding package has been drawn together to develop this scheme, design and appraisal works have been carried out to develop the project further.

The scheme is being developed alongside the wider Environment Agency led programme of works in the city, Executive have previously agreed that the Executive Member for the Environment and Climate Change would monitor and assure the delivery of the programme. A paper taken to the Executive Member’s 12 August 2020 decision session resolved that the development of the next stage of appraisal should be commenced – including detailed design and all permissions including planning approval. A paper will be brought to the Executive to update on all progress and request approvals for the next stages of the project.

The Executive will be asked to:

·         Endorse the work carried out to date.

·         Approve the project to be taken through the planning process.

·         Resolve to receive a future paper detailing the approach to the construction phase costs, procurement and delivery model and to approve the continued delivery of the project.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: Fulford and Heslington Ward;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/11/2022

Decision due: 15/12/22 by Executive

Lead member: Executive Member for Environment and Climate Change

Lead director: Corporate Director of Place

Department: Directorate of Place

Contact: Steve Wragg, Head of Highway Asset Management Email: Tel: 01904 553401.

Consultation process

Ongoing consultation with a wide range of internal departments to develop the ongoing appraisal and design works with external consultancy partners.
Ongoing consultation with external agencies and the community during the development of the appraisal works

Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: EIA will be considered as part of the report.


Agenda items


  • Germany Beck Flood Alleviation Scheme  


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