Issue details

Regular update on routine procurements and approval of ICT procurement over £250k

Purpose of Report: To present a regular update on routine procurements as laid down in the council’s contract procedure rules:

“7.7 - Where the aggregate contract value (including any extension) is between £250,000 and less than £500,000 then the decision to enter the contract requires the approval of an Executive Member or the Executive unless the procurement is treated as Routine as defined in clause 7.9.

7.8 - Where the aggregate contract value (including any extension) is £500,000 or more the decision will be regarded as a Key Decision unless the Chief Finance Officer acting in consultation with the Monitoring Officer has approved the procurement as Routine.

7.9 - A Routine procurement is any arrangement that represents a low commercial and legal risk to the Council and relates to procurement of goods, services or works with a clearly defined specification and that clearly relate to the routine day to day operation of the Council. Routine procurements will be limited to items such as utilities, insurance or stationery. Where Officers consider a procurement process may be Routine, they are required to liaise with Commercial Procurement who will advise on the relevant paperwork to be submitted to the Chief Finance Officer. Authorisation to treat a procurement as Routine must be sought before the procurement process commences. A Director may enter a Contract where the procurement has been treated as Routine. An updated register of routine procurement must be presented regularly to the Executive Member for Finance and Performance.”

The Executive Member will be asked to note the routine procurements and approve any non routine ICT procurements planned over £250k to £500k.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/03/2022

Decision due: 09/05/22 by Executive Member for Finance and Performance

Lead member: Executive Member for Finance and Performance

Lead director: Chief Operating Officer

Department: Directorate of Corporate

Contact: Debbie Mitchell, Director of Finance (s151) Email:, Pauline Stuchfield, Director of Housing & Communities Email:

Consultation process

None as statutory responsibility sits with the Chief Finance Officer

Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: N/A


Agenda items


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