Issue - decisions

Micro wood sites

18/09/2024 - Micro wood sites



                         i.         Approved the two preferred locations for micro-wood creation within the 2024/25 tree planting season:

a) Land to the South-West of Village Street, Rawcliffe and Clifton Without Ward (see attached map at Annex A). With delegated authority granted to the Director of City Development to approve the planting block within this location following targeted resident consultation.


Reason:     This site is in an area deemed to be a high priority

for new tree planting according to the Woodland Trust’s Tree Equity Score UK2 (TESUK). It is publicly accessible and relatively free of constraints. Three feasible locations (labelled A, B and C on the map) have been identified. Block A provides an extension to an existing woodland strip and visually frames the nearby beacon and pavilion building. All blocks are easily visible aiding self-policing. Final block selection will be informed by targeted resident/stakeholder consultation.


b) Land to the north of The Fox Inn, Holgate Ward (see attached map at Annex B).


Reason:     This site is in an area deemed to be a high priority

for new tree planting according to the TESUK, is publicly accessible and free of physical constraints. The site is a former industrial brownfield site. It is highly visible from Holgate Road and the adjacent cycle and pedestrian pathways.


                        ii.         Approved the following site as a reserve option should either of the preferred sites above prove undeliverable:


a) Land to the south of Burnholme Sports Centre, Heworth Ward (see attached map at Annex C).


Reason:     This site is in an area deemed to be a high priority

for new tree planting according to TESUK. It is publicly accessible and free of constraints.


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