Issue - decisions

2006/07 Council Plan and Year End Performance Results

28/06/2006 - 2006/07 Council Plan and Year End Performance Results

RESOLVED: (i)         That the performance out-turn for 2005/06 be noted and that the Executive’s thanks to Officers for their efforts in achieving yet another year of improved service quality standards for York residents be put on record.


REASON:      To acknowledge the achievements of the past year.


                        (ii)        That the progress made on drafting the Council Plan be noted and that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to produce the final version of the document for consideration by full Council.


                        (iii)       That Officers be requested to amend the Safe City section of the draft Plan to give a higher priority to reducing public concerns about excessive vehicle speeds in the City (pages 48-51).


REASON:      To clarify and upgrade the draft Plan before its referral to Council.


                        (iv)       That Officers be requested to ensure that a single page summary of the Council Plan is made available for more widespread distribution.


REASON:      So that the essential contents of the Council Plan are communicated as widely as possible.


RECOMMENDED: That Council approve the draft 2006/07 Council Plan, subject to any amendments made by the Chief Executive and the Leader of the Council prior to the Council meeting on 29 June.


REASON:      To enable the Council Plan to be published by 30th June, in accordance with statutory requirements.


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