Issue - decisions

Risk Management Policy Statement and Strategic Framework'

12/04/2008 - Standards Committee

Mrs Christine Bainton, the Independent Chair of the Standards Committee, presented the Annual Report of the Standards Committee for the Municipal Year 2007/08.  She drew attention to the imminent changes to the role and membership of the Standards Committee resulting from implementation of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, and the Action Plan agreed in response to issues raised by the Ethical Governance Audit.


Cllr Horton, the Vice-Chair, then moved receipt of the Annual Report and Cllr Hudson seconded the motion and it was


RESOLVED: That the Annual Report of the Standards Committee for 2007/08 be received.


Cllr Horton then moved, and Cllr Hudson seconded, a recommendation made by the Standards Committee on 14 March 2008 in respect of a proposed alteration to the Members’ Allowances Scheme.  On being put to the vote, the recommendations were declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED: That the recommendation of the Standards Committee, to include provision in the Members’ Allowances Scheme to withdraw Members’ allowances during the period a Member is suspended from office as a result of the finding of the Adjudication Panel for England or the Standards Committee that the Member has failed to comply with the Members’ Code of Conduct, be approved.1


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