Issue - decisions

Petition on Affordable Housing

15/01/2008 - Petition on Affordable Housing

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to :


(i)                 Note that the Council’s response the RSS Proposed Changes addresses the request in this petition for a higher housing allocation for the city.


(ii)               Note that through its 50% affordable housing policy and the use of the York Strategic Housing Market Assessment the Council is seeking to maximise the number and right type of affordable homes (including family homes) needed in the city.


(iii)             Agree that the most appropriate mechanism to explore any potential review of affordable housing planning policy issues in the City is through the Local Development Framework process;


(iv)             Note that the Council continues to explore opportunities outside the planning system to maximise affordable housing provision.



Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED :That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON :                 To provide a suitable response to the affordable housing petition received.


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