Agenda item

Progress on the Improvement Plans for Adult Social Care

This report seeks the Executive Member’s approval of progress on the improvement plans agreed following the Independence, Well-Being and Choice inspection (by the former Commission for Social Care Inspection [CSCI] in June 2008) and the Annual Performance Assessment by CSCI in November 2008.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             (i) That the Executive Member approves the progress on the improvement plans for adult social care as set out in this report.


REASON:                  So that the Executive Member is engaged in monitoring and approving the progress on the improvement plan for adult social care.


RESOLVED:             (ii) That the Executive Member approves the proposed six broad areas for future improvement set out in paragraph 34.


REASON:                  So that these can be incorporated in a refresh of the Directorate Plan and be used to drive future improvement.


The Executive Member considered a report on the progress on the Improvement plans agreed following the Independence, Well-Being and Choice Inspection by the former Commission for Social Care Inspection [CSCI] in June 2008) and the Annual Performance Assessment by CSCI in November 2008.


The Director of Housing and Adult Social Services introduced the report. He reported that there had been 20 recommendations arising from the Commission for Social Care Inspection social inspections and 12 areas for development following the letter from the Annual Performance Assessment. He stated that the recommendations were themed and he addressed some of those key themes.


He noted that Safeguarding was the single biggest issue and the original inspection had recorded this as “Adequate”. He noted that the new Safeguarding Adults Board had attracted high-level representation from the Primary Care Trust (PCT), the police, fire and rescue, probation and others, and two subgroups to help in its work. The Director of Housing and Adult Social Services noted that there had been an increase in referrals in the 08/09 year from 88 to over 200, which was felt to be due to greater awareness, but was also a worrying trend.  He stated that Safeguarding had an element of prevention and that a leaflet about this was available as a paper leaflet and also online.


On the issue of Personalisation, the Director stated that this was part of a national programme. He noted a successful year with regard to hospital discharges despite pressure with regard to admissions. He further stated that this was an area for coverage of the single information base through the Single Assessment Process (SAP) and that there had been agreement to help with GP groups, with the details to be confirmed with the Executive Member.


On the issue of Prevention, this had been rated as “Good”. However, other areas had now been included and the importance of making services more available and with more individualised responses to black and minority ethnic groups (though low in number in York) was being developed. He referred the Executive Member to table 1 on page 15 of the agenda with regard to this and also stated that City of York Council had a corporate focus on equalities issues.


In terms of Performance Indicators, the Director noted that City of York Council had looked outside to other authorities, including Sunderland and Bolton. A development day had been held with these authorities and staff and managers had come away with improvement targets. Investment in a new manager had been made to get the new infrastructure in place, together with monthly meetings to look at performance and progress. He noted that improvements had been seen across the board, but stated that the “journey to excellence” would probably take more than one year.


The director referred the Executive Member to pages 18 and 19 of the report, which showed an increase in demand and in performance. An area for concern was the timeliness of new assessments, as this had previously been operating at a low level and there was now a push to increase this to 80%. The Director reported that he received detailed weekly reports on this. 


On the Workforce issue, the Director reported that a large training programme on Safeguarding was in progress, and with regard to Personalised Services that a plan was required to look at the future workforce. Team plans had also been developed. Improvements had been noted in staff attendance and over £1 million had been claimed in benefits due to the work of the welfare team.


The Executive Member was then asked to comment on and approve the progress on the improvement plans for adult social care set out in the report and to approve the proposed 6 broad areas for future improvement set out in paragraph 34 of the report.


The Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services then thanked the Director of Housing and Adult Social Services for outlining the report and Councillor Simpson–Laing for her comments on the report.  He also thanked Councillor Sue Galloway, the former Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services, for her contributions as Executive Member.


The Executive Member stated that it was important that this progress report had been brought to public attention and that there was evidence that progress was being made towards some challenging targets. He particularly noted the progress with regard to Safeguarding, the Safeguarding Board and the training programme, together with the work being done with various parties, including York Health Group and the work on hospital discharges. He also noted the work on personalised budgets and self-assessment. The Executive Member commended the encouragement of a performance culture in the directorate and the importance of getting the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to recognise this. He also stated that improvement should focus on the major issues identified and commended the hard work and commitment of staff. 



Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             (i) That the Executive Member approves the progress on the improvement plans for adult social care as set out in this report.



Reason:                      So that the Executive Member is engaged in monitoring and approving the progress on the improvement plan for adult social care.


                                    (ii) That the Executive Member approves the proposed six broad areas for future improvement set out in paragraph 34 of the report.


Reason:                      So that these can be incorporated in a refresh of the Directorate Plan and be used to drive future improvement.

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