Agenda, decisions and minutes

Contact: Catherine Clarke or Louise Cook  Democracy Officers

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda.


The Executive Member was invited to declare at this point in the meeting any personal or prejudicial interest he might have in the business on the agenda.  He confirmed he had none.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 55 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 27 April 2010.


RESOLVED: That the minutes from the last meeting of the Decision Session for Health and Adult Social Services, held on 27 April 2010 be approved as a correct record.


Public Participation - Decision Session




At this point in the meeting, members of the public who have registered their wish to speak at the meeting can do so. The deadline for registering is 5:00pm on  Monday 26 July 2010.               


Members of the public may register to speak on:-

·        an item on the agenda;

·        an issue within the Executive Member’s remit;

·        an item that has been published on the Information Log since the last session.  Information reports are listed at the end of the agenda. 





It had been reported that there had been one registration to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


Cllr Simpson-Laing spoke on agenda item 4, A Joint Vision for Older People’s Health and Well Being in York 2010-2015.  She expressed her concerns with paragraph 7.1, paragraph 7.4 and paragraph 8.1 of the annex.


Cllr Simpson-Laing also spoke on an issue within the Executive Members remit.  She expressed her concerns regarding recent announcements of axing theguarantee that all patients would be able to see a cancer specialist within twoweeks.  The Executive Member agreed to voice her concerns.


A Joint Vision for Older People's Health and Well Being in York 2010-2015 pdf icon PDF 129 KB

This paper seeks the Executive Member’s agreement to a joint vision for health and social care services in York for older people. 

Additional documents:


 RESOLVED: That the Executive Member agrees to adopt Option 1 if the following amendments to Annex 1 are approved by the Joint Commissioning Group:


·        Paragraph 4.1 to change the word incapacity to capacity and add in a comma.

·        Paragraph 8.6 to delete the first sentence, the word ‘therefore’ and ‘rather than fund a paid service’. The first sentence should read:


Health and care should look to provide greater support to family, friends and communities to support older people.


Reason: To ensure we can better meet the needs of our population, and provide services more efficiently and effectively.


The Executive Member consider a report that sought his agreement to a joint vision for health and social care services in York for older people.  The vision would underpin work to develop an integrated approach to commissioning and service provision, across health and social care and provide services more efficiently and effectively.


Officers gave a brief update on this partnership piece of work which provides an inspirational basis from which to deliver specific strategies.  Officers stated that the final draft had been further consulted on through the voluntary sector, the Older People’s Partnership Board, the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Healthy City Board.


In answer to Cllr Simpson-Laings questions and the concerns which were raised from the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee officers confirmed they would amend paragraph 8.6 of the annex and the Director agreed to present the proposed amended changes to the Adult Commissioning Group to obtain their confirmation.1


The Executive Member thanked officers for the report and confirmed that it was clear it had been subject to extensive and thorough consultation which showed that the Council were working together closely with health colleagues in the area and the extent and the quality of the consultation showed the involvement and vibrancy of the various partners in the public and voluntary sectors.



RESOLVED: That the Executive Member agrees to adopt Option 1 if the following amendments to Annex 1 are approved by the Joint Commissioning Group:


·        Paragraph 4.1 to change the word incapacity to capacity and add in a comma.

·        Paragraph 8.6 to delete the first sentence, the word ‘therefore’ and ‘rather than fund a paid service’. The first sentence should read:


Health and care should look to provide greater support to family, friends and communities to support older people.


Reason: To ensure we can better meet the needs of our population and provide services more efficiently and effectively.


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