Issue - meetings

Treasury Management Quarter 1 Prudential Indicators

Meeting: 14/09/2023 - Executive (Item 29)

29 Treasury Management Quarter 1 Prudential Indicators (19:02) pdf icon PDF 844 KB

The purpose of this report is to provide a regular update to the Executive on treasury management activity for the first quarter of the year and provide the latest estimates for the prudential indicators as given in the annex to this report.

Additional documents:


. Resolved:


                         i.         Noted the performance of treasury management activity for the quarter ended 30June 2023;

                        ii.         Noted the latest Prudential Indicators set out at Annex A.


Reason:     To enable the continued effective operation of the treasury management function and ensure that all Council treasury activity is prudent, affordable and sustainable and complies with policies set.



Chief Finance Officer introduced the report and noted that there would now be quarterly Treasury Management Prudential Indicators reports.




                         i.         Noted the performance of treasury management activity for the quarter ended 30June 2023;

                        ii.         Noted the latest Prudential Indicators set out at Annex A.


Reason:     To enable the continued effective operation of the treasury management function and ensure that all Council treasury activity is prudent, affordable and sustainable and complies with policies set.



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