Issue - meetings

Bishopthorpe Road crossing point review

Meeting: 14/03/2019 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 84)

84 Consideration of Modification to Bishopthorpe Road Crossing Points pdf icon PDF 295 KB

This report considers pedestrian crossing points on Bishopthorpe Road. Further, the report identifies improvements which might be made to the existing pedestrian crossing point at the junction with Campleshon Road.


Additional documents:




(i)      That Option 1 be approved and a 20 metre extension to the existing no waiting at any time restrictions (Double Yellow Lines (DYL)) and a small extension to the build-out to allow the crossing width to be increased by 0.8m be agreed.


(ii)      That the proposed change to the parking restriction extension (as detailed in (i)) and clearway south of Campleshon Road be advertised and any objections be considered at a future Executive Member Decision Session.


(iii)     That officers be asked to prepare a report on a potential resident parking scheme, specifically in relation to the impact of pavement parking, for consideration at a future Executive Member Decision Session before a decision is made whether or not to advertise a potential residents parking scheme for the area.




To ensure that a joined up approach is taken to parking provision and road safety in the area and to address concerns raised in relation to the potential impact of pavement parking as part of a resident parking scheme.



The Executive Member considered a report which provided information on pedestrian crossing points on Bishopthorpe Road and identified improvements which could be made to the existing pedestrian crossing point at the junction with Campleshon Road. The report asked him to agree to include the proposed change to the parking restrictions in the advertisement of a potential Residents Parking scheme for the area and the parking restriction extension and clearway south of Campleshon Road, and that any objections to the combined ResPark/Double Yellow Lines/Clearway scheme be considered at a future Executive Member Decision Session.


The Executive Member noted the comments made by Councillor Crawshaw, Ward Member for Micklegate. He acknowledged that the extension of double yellow lines would have an impact on residential parking in the area and noted the petition which had been received calling for a residents parking scheme to be introduced on Bishopthorpe Road between Beresford Terrace and Reginal Grove and between Balmoral Terrace and Campleshon Road, and Councillor Crawshaw’s concerns over the  possible use of the pavement to accommodate parking.


The Executive Member acknowledged that the proposals for residents parking included possible use of a narrow strip of the pavement to accommodate parking where the road was not wide enough to accommodate parking on both sides. He echoed Councillor Crawshaw’s concerns about parking on footpaths without it being properly marked out with sufficient space for pedestrians to pass. Officers confirmed that they would need to review the pavement width to ensure that a residents parking scheme was achievable before it was advertised.


The Executive Member considered the options detailed in the report and expressed his support for the proposed change to the parking restriction extension and the clearway south of Campleshon Road. With regard to the advertisement of a potential residents parking scheme for the area, officers agreed to provide a report on this, and specifically the impact of pavement parking, for consideration by the Executive Member at a future decision session before a decision was taken whether to advertise a potential residents parking scheme for the area.




(i)      That Option 1 be approved and a 20 metre extension to the existing no waiting at any time restrictions (Double Yellow Lines (DYL)) and a small extension to the build-out to allow the crossing width to be increased by 0.8m be agreed.


(ii)      That the proposed change to the parking restriction extension (as detailed in (i)) and clearway south of Campleshon Road be advertised and any objections be considered at a future Executive Member Decision Session.


(iii)     That officers be asked to prepare a report on a potential resident parking scheme, specifically in relation to the impact of pavement parking, for consideration at a future Executive Member Decision Session before a decision is made whether or not to advertise a potential residents parking scheme for the area.




To ensure that a joined up approach is taken to parking provision and road safety in the area and to address  ...  view the full minutes text for item 84


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