Issue - meetings

Petition requesting an additional bus stop between Rawcliffe Bar Park & Ride and the Shipton Road area

Meeting: 19/03/2015 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 56)

56 Petition - Additional Bus Stop between Rawcliffe Bar Park & Ride and the Shipton Road Area. pdf icon PDF 489 KB

This report provides three options for the Cabinet Member’s consideration in response to a petition submitted to the Council requesting an additional bus stop between Rawcliffe Bar Park and Ride and the Shipton Road area.

Additional documents:


Resolved:  (i)      That the Clerk to Rawcliffe Parish Council be

emailed for the Parish Council’s views on the petition.


                   (ii)      That, in respect of Option C in the report, a safety

audit be carried out to enable full costings to be obtained.


                   (iii)     That, as part of the consultations for the

retendering of the Park & Ride contract, discussions take place on the issue raised in the petition.


                   (iv)    That a decision on the petitioners’ request be

reconsidered by the Cabinet Member once the retendering process for the Park & Ride contract had taken place.


Reason:     To enable full information and costings to be obtained prior to a decision on the petition being taken.


The Cabinet Member considered a report that provided options in response to a petition submitted to the Council requesting an additional bus stop between Rawcliffe Bar Park & Ride and the Shipton Road area.


In response to issues raised by the speakers under the Public Participation agenda item, officers clarified that the petition had been handled in accordance with the Council’s agreed arrangements for dealing with petitions and that consultation with parish councils was not part of this process.  


The Cabinet Member stated that he noted the comments that had been raised by the speakers under the Public Participation Scheme.


The Cabinet Member considered the following options detailed in the report:


Option A:   Retain the current stopping arrangements


Option B:   Construct a safe, fit-for-purpose setting-down stop inside the site entrance.  A straight 20m length of hard standing and kerbs would be necessary, which would hinder maintenance access into the Country Park.


Option C:   Reconstruct the northbound bus stop on Shipton Road immediately south of the Park & Ride site entrance to allow safe operation of articulated buses.  The lay-by would be partially or wholly filled in, with a straight 20m length of kerb installed.


Referring to the financial implications for Option C outlined in the report the Cabinet Member stated that, in order to make an informed decision, a safety audit should be carried out so that total costs could be ascertained.   The Cabinet Member also referred to the retendering of the Park & Ride contract which was due to be  carried out and requested that, as part of this process, discussions take place on the issue raised in the petition.


Resolved:  (i)      That the Clerk to Rawcliffe Parish Council be

emailed for the Parish Council’s views on the petition.


                   (ii)      That, in respect of Option C in the report, a safety

audit be carried out to enable full costings to be obtained.


                   (iii)     That, as part of the consultations for the

retendering of the Park & Ride contract, discussions take place on the issue raised in the petition.


                   (iv)    That a decision on the petitioners’ request be

reconsidered by the Cabinet Member once the retendering process for the Park & Ride contract had taken place.


Reason:     To enable full information and costings to be obtained prior to a decision on the petition being taken.


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