Issue - meetings

ftr Traffic Regulation Orders

Meeting: 16/05/2006 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 224)

224 ftr Traffic Regulation Orders pdf icon PDF 24 KB

This report presents the findings of the consultation exercise for the introduction of Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO’s) to prohibit parking on the ftr bus route along Challoners Road, Cornlands Road, Eason View and Tudor Road, and seeks approval to implement the TROs.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report which presented the findings of the consultation exercise for the introduction of Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) to prohibit parking on the ftr bus route along Challoners Road, Cornlands Road, Eason View and Tudor Road. 


The TROs had been advertised in accordance with statutory process and a letter outlining the scheme had been delivered to all properties with frontages directly affected by the proposals.  Plans showing the location of the TROs were attached as Annex A to the report and responses to consultation were summarised in Annex B.  The latter included 5 objections from residents of Cornlands Road, 11 from residents of Eason View and 4 from residents of Tudor Road.  All the objections related to the loss of parking provision and would be dealt with by providing off-street parking where possible.  No objections had been received in respect of Challoners Road, where off-street parking had recently been provided by means of dropped vehicle crossings.  Total costs of implementing the proposals, including additional dropped crossings, would be £17,500.


Members thanked Officers for the work they had done with First York to ensure delivery of the ftr service in time for the planned launch.  It was noted that, despite some teething problems, the service had achieved 80% route and bus reliability during its first two days of operation and had been improving every day since.  It was expected to be successful in encouraging more people to travel by bus rather than car, thus addressing the problem of traffic congestion and making it less likely that a congestion charge would need to be introduced in York in the future.


RESOLVED:             That the implementation of the Traffic Regulation Orders, as outlined in the report and Annex A, be approved and that off-street parking be provided where appropriate.


REASON:                  To minimise delays to the ftr service caused by vehicles parked along the route and to ensure the smooth running of the service.


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